Chapter 16 - Sports Festival PART 2

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Did I made him angry? What should I do?, why does my heart feels like stabbed?. After the performance I ran down the stage to find Misaki-chan, when I found her, "Where's Usui?" I asked directly

"I don't know I thought he is still on my side, by the way nice performance you have there, I.... Just kinda don't like the last part" she said and faked a smile,

"Yeah okay thanks" I ran through his team that is already called by the MC, I grabbed their captain's arm and asked "have you seen Usui?" "Usui?.. Oh you mean Takumi?, I'm sorry dear but I didn't since the event started" he replied and begin walking up the stage,

I run through his classroom but Rina-san (remember her? XD) said she didn't saw him since the festival started "hey, maybe he's at the rooftop?" She said as I run through the rooftops, but theres no Usui to be seen.

'Where the heck are you Usui??' I thought to myself, i grabbed my bag from our classroom and run outside the campus thinking maybe he's at home, cus he's not answering my calls, suddenly the rain started to pour, I took my umbrella out and opened it, I run through the street as the rain got heavier, while running I stopped by a park, and saw someone soaking wet by the rain sitting on a swing, he looks very familiar though I cant see clearly duo to the heavy rain.

I paced through his direction, when I got closer to him, I realized it was "Usui!"

He looked up at me gloomily, "hmm?" Was all he managed to say.

"What the hell are you doing?!?! you'll catch cold!" You yelled as you pulled his arm but he shrug it off "Usui?" You added

"What are you doing here?" He asked "the event still isn't finished yet right?"

"I don't care about that stupid event!, I was worried about you!" I said and grabbed his hand with full force, this time he didn't protest and walked with me.

When were back at the street he pulled his hand from my grasps "you can go back now!, don't worry about me! I'm fine" he said and faked a smile

I shook my head and grabbed his tie closer to me and pressed my lips with his, I let the umbrella cover us. After few seconds I pulled away for air

When I pulled away, his eyes were wide in shock. "Don't ever say you're fine when you're not" I stated "it hurts me too.... Because I love you!" You added

He chuckled and hugged you "hey! I'm getting wet too!" You yelled

"That's.... That's the first time you've said that to me!" He said "but how about that blonde bastard with earrings?" He added

"I'll just talk to him tomorrow" I said smile

"But its Saturday tomorrow!" He protested

"Oh.. I mean on Monday idiot!" You said

He released me from his hug and sneezed, me call taxi immediately and went home.

Usui fell asleep on my shoulders on the way home.. He seemed so peaceful when sleeping. I even almost got carried away.


I've already edited it, sorry its a bit confusing at first, cus its first person's pov then suddenly it turned into third person's pov, then back to first person.. Im really sorry about that hihihi~ btw, ive already edited it..

Btw, how was it Mina?, ;)

Hope you enjoyed it!


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