Chapter 23 - Honey on the Moon

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before all of it, i wanted to thanks to you all on continuing on supporting this book, thank you for the 23k+ reads guys! love you! mwah



(Y/n)'s POV:

I woke up feeling something warm around me, it was Usui's bare body hugging my
bare form

i stared at his innocent face infront of me, i cant believe that i married this idiot who used to bully me when i was still a kid

"done checking my perfect features Mrs. Takumi?" he asked and i got startled a little

"idiot, i wasnt checking on you" i chuckled a little when he make his face indicating that he doesnt believe my statement

"yeah right" he paused and kissed my forehead "thanks for last night, you were amazing" he said

i stanned. i felt butterflies filled my stomach as my mind reviewed the last night's  happenings

"hey haha, your face looks like a tomato" he snapped me out of my thoughts

"god damn it! why did you gave me the cutest idiot in the world to be my wife?" he half shouted and hugged me tightly

"oi! stop it!" i said and he stopped

"what?" he asked

"im hungry" i pouted and by that he unwrapped his arms around me and stood up

"come on lets eat, I'll cook you breakfast" he took his tshirt from the floor, our clothes are scattered all over the room

he handed me the shirt "put this on, and you dont need to cover your body, i already seen them last night" he smirked

"aish jerk hmp!" i said as i put on the shirt, it was over sized for me so it looks like i was wearing a dress. it was 2 inches above my knees

as i tried to stand, i felt a bit pain down there, since last night is my first, i stumbled a little

"are you okay?" Usui asked as he walk towards my direction, he is now wearing his boxers

"yeah im fine, it is just that..." i muttered

"is it still hurts?" he asked

i looked up on him and nodded a bit

"a bit" i said and smiled shyly

"should i carry you to the dining room?" he asked

"nope, you dont need to, i can walk my self" i smiled

"okay, after you finish dressing, come down stairs okay?" he said as took a plain white shirt on the drawers and stepped outside

i walked to the cr to take a shower.


after i refreshed myself, i walked out and headed to the dining hall

"goodmorning georges mrs Takumi" my Husband Usui greeted me as he was putting the plates with dishes on the table

"oh shut up Usui" i said and walked to the chair and seated

"douzo!" he said as we dig in on our delicious breakfast

this wasnt really the thing that i planned, this chapter supposed to be a smut but i forgot that this story is a child friendly haha lol, i mean i got 13 years old and below readers, some are ghost readers so i wont be going to do that hahaha


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