Chapter 19

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Usui's POV:

Oh it was Aoi!, shit! I never should've said those things...

"So, Usui, huh?" Aoi approached me

"Hmm?" Im making the most emotionless face i can make when the truth is im already so nervous.

He looks through my eyes and walked near me, i think he's reading thoughts! But suddenly....

"Hahahahahahahahahahah! Im so sorry, Usui, did i scare you? Hahahaha" he burst into laughter. Wait, he isnt mad at me?

"Y-you arent mad at me?" Shit! Why am i stuttering.

"Why should i?, and who am i to judge my little princess' happiness?" He said patting my shoulders "btw, please take care of my little princess okay?" He added as he smile

"I sure will, Uhh-" i was trailed off

"Call me niichan, since you're my imouto's fiancé, right?" He smile innocently, just like (y/n)

I pulled a smile, i thought he would be mad at me, im already ready for any consequences but look, Kami-sama(god) really loves me, he didn't even gave me hard challenges in getting my love's whole family's support in marrying her.

Aoi stretched his arms "come! I wanna visit some places i used to go before!" He said as he walked through out the airport, we did the same thing..

Mean while at a park.....

"You never told me that you visit this odd park Nii-chan" (Y/n) said confused

"Nahh! I used to come here and buy some ice cream while looking at the children playing on the park " he explained as he looked left and right.

"Are you looking for something niichan?" (Y/n) asked, i was about to asked that too

"M-me? N-no i wasn't looking for a girl with short hair and glasses though!" Aoi blushed openly while scratching the back of his head

We, me and (y/n) looked directly to him with confusion on the face. He's looking for a girl with short hair and a glasses? Who could it be? I thought to myself

"Who's the girl with short girl with glasses Aoi-nii? Are you hiding something from me?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow while glaring at Aoi

"N-no!! Princess why would i?" He said with a begging tone.. Tsss.. You're obvious niichan!

"Hmm.. Maybe lets just eat some ice cream over there" i changed the topic before Aoi could answer (Y/n)'s Question

Deym! Wondering who's the short haired girl bishie that Aoi is looking for?, oh i know that you know that bishie!
Comment down below on who do you think it is?

Btw, How was it mina?

hope you like it!~


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