Chapter 12 - Tanjobi

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(A/n): guyssss this would be a long chapter! I'm not going to update a part two okey?!!



(Y/n)'s POV:

Its Wednesday afternoon class has already ended and I was kinda bored because I just finished the anime I've been watching for several weeks, and I don't know what to do now, I was laying on my bed while watching my phone's time and date.

I almost forgot that my birthday in on 3 days ahead, ah what should I do??, I remembered the amusement park few kilometres away from our house, i think its kinda fun there,

Well, its already my own tradition to sneak out every and each night before my birthday so I can celebrate on my own, well my dad will obviously throw a party for me, I mean I'm not a kid anymore!, I don't need those freaking parties.

Someone knocked at my door and I assume that its Usui again.
"Yeah? What is it?" I asked shoutedly

"Lady (Y/n), Lady Misaki has come to visit you" the voice sound like it was Gon (one of your maids)

"Yeup! I'm coming!" I said as I stood up and run downstairs,

"Misaki-chaaaan!!~~" I shouted and hugged her

"(Y/n)-chaaaaan!!~~" she shouted back, yeup that's us, we were just like we didn't see each other everyday but the truth is we always see each other at school! Clever isn't it?

"What's with all the noise?" Usui came out from the bathroom wearing only towel on his body

"G-gosh! Usui! Go get yourself some clothes geez!" I stuttered yikes! I can feel my cheeks burning

"Tss.." That's what all he said and climb upstairs.

"So, what brings you here misa-chan?" I asked smiling

"Well, I think I can't be with you on your birthday because the student council will be preparing for the school festival for next week so I'm here to give you this" she said as she gave me a box wrapped with birthday wrappers "don't open it until its your birthday okey?"  She added

"Yeup! If you say so!" I took the present and nodded my head

"Good!.. And oh before I forgot daddy wants to give you this" she gave me a bottle of milk.

"Eh? For what?" I asked in a tone of confusion.

"He said to make your bones strong, well I don't exactly know why he gave you that because you already had strong bones and muscles though" she said

"Well tell Uncle Thank you" I said

"I don't want to get home late (Y/n) because I still have student council works to finish, is it okey if I leave early?" She asked

"Yeah yeah, visit here anytime okey?" I said and gave her a a goodbye hug

"Yeah, I will, bye!" She said and dissapeared

[Time skips, Friday night 10 pm]

When I hear that everybody is quiet I sneaked out of my room and locked it, I directly tiptoed faster to the main door, I saw a blue striped jacket on the coat holder near me, I took it and wear it, I sneaked outside and started walking through the amusement park

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