Chapter 9 - New Home

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as we arrived at my new house, i rolled my eyes inside to scan the whole house, as expected of the Takumi Family! they gave us the Villa that Misaki-chan and i played when we were still kids, i sighed, i really do missed this place.

"ahh!,i missed this place!" i said as i ran through the couch at the sitting room

"pfft, this is the paradise i wanted, where you and me are in the same room and i can take pictures while you were sleeping" he said while stopping his laugh

"wait what?!! you and i are in the same room?!!" i exclaimed

"have you forgotten? this Villa is my grandmother's so probably my grandparents share their rooms" he said

"WHAT?!" i shouted as he covers his ear "dad really dont love me as i think" i added as i lowered my head, i felt something patting my head

"What do you think are you doing?" i asked

"dont worry i wont do perverted stuffs on you and absolutely never come in to the bathroom while you are still taking your precious bath, but will still take pictures of you while sleeping." he stated

"What?!" i said as i slapped his hand away from my head

"at least im not going to do perverted stuffs on you!" he said as he chuckles a bit

"dont do crazy thing on me!, pervert!" i stated

[[time skips 7:00 pm dinner time]]

Usui's Pov

i am the one cooking dinner today because Dad said Mochi-kun, Sayu-san and others will arrive tomorrow morning. When i was done cooking "(y/n)-chan! dinner is ready" i called her while preparing plates, spoons,forks etc.

"Haii~~~" she replied with a strange voice, is she crying?, after preparing the table, she arrived with tears in her eyes

"Are you crying?" i asked

"No!, i was just playing with my eyes with some Alcohol or something like that" she said sarcastically

"seriously?, what happened to you?" pfft whats with that reason?

"MY FAVORITE CHARACTER DIED!~~~~" oh shit!, its just her Anime Habit

"yeah right!, i thought something happened to you" i stated

"Shut *sobs* up!, lets *sobs* just eat *sobs*" she said while sobbing a lot

i chuckled and gave her my handkerchief "here!, wipe your tears, i dont want our dinner got salty because of your tears" i teased her, as expected she gave me a glare but she took the handkerchief from me and wiped her tears

"Douzo!" i stated

a/n: douzo is "Please Dig in" in Japanese

"Ittadakimaaasuu! *sobs*" she prayed

i giggled and started eating my precious dinner


How was it minna? hehe

hope you enjoyed it!


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