Chapter 16.2 - Fever

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Usui's POV:

I fell asleep on our way home, and when I woke up, I'm already in my room and in my Pajamas? Wait? Who dressed me like this? I don't remember changing myself.. 

"Oh! You're already awake! Wait! I'll get some soup!" (Y/n)'s beautiful voice was the first thing I heard when I woke up

I grabbed her hand and pulled closer, the reason she laid beside me "don't go, please" I said

"You're such an idiot! Why did you let your self soak from the rain?!, your lucky I was there!" She yelled

"Thank you" I said and hugged her "by the way, who changed me?" I asked

She was silent for a minute then she stood up and took my meds "here you should drink your medicines for your cough" she said red as tomato

"You still didn't answer me!" I said...

"I'm going to get your soup" she said and run away.

After few minuted she arrived and already with a bowl of soup
"Here!, help yourself" she said

"I can't" I said and pouted

She sighed and "alright I'll feed you" she said

She grabbed a spoonful of soup and blew it gently to reduse the heat "say ahh~" she said shyly

I opened my mouth as she put the spoon into my mouth, I slowly swallowed the food and smiled

"Why wouldn't you answer me (y/n)?" I asked

"Hmm?" She said innocently

"I asked you before, who cha-" she cut me off by putting a spoonful of soup in my mouth

"Nuh-uh! Don't talk when your mouth is full!" She said and laughed

I playfully glared her as she feed herself with the soup she's holding and smiled. "Hmm..This is good!" She stated

"Hey!, don't you know that we just indirect kiss?" I said as I pointed the spoon "you'll get sick!" I added

"Nah! You're already fine though" she said and chuckled

"If you wanted to kiss me, just say so, and stop licking that spoon" I pulled her closer to me, I can see her face glowing red

"I-i forgot to buy you fruits just wait here, I'll be back later" she said and run through the door

"Hey! Who changed me?" I asked before she gently closed the door.

Still wondering who changed Usui? 😂😂😂

Btw, how was it Mina?

Hope you enjoyed it!


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