Chapter - 18 - He's Back!!!

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[[Hello my princess, did you missed me?]]

A familiar voice from the other line.. "Who is this?"

[[Aww, you already forgotten me! Thats depressing!]]

"Who exactly is this?, and how-" Usui cut me off by getting my phone.

"Who dared to call my queen?" He said

"Hey! Usui!"

Usui's POV:

"Who dared to call my queen?" I asked, i was a bit annoyed and irritated.

[[Hmm?? Excuse me?, did i hear-]]

"Yes! You heard it right! Who the hell are you?"

[[It seems like you're out of patients!.. Dont ever call my princess yours! Because she doesnt belong to anyone but me]]

"Tch! I have the right to call her anything i want since im her fiance!"

[[WHAT?!?!]] Is the last words he said and hang upped

"Who is that?" She asked, as confused as me

"I dont know either"

(Y/n)'s POV:

I took my phone from his hand and begone searching for someone familiar.

"Where are you going?" Usui asked

"Searching for someone familiar, i know father wont let me come here if i don't know who we are fetching.." I explained

"Yeah.. Oyaji really knows it!" The familiar voice same as The voice on the unknown number called spoke behind us.

We turned around to see who is it and we saw Aoi-nii with his baggage

"N-niichan!!" I shouted as i hugged him tight

"Aww my princess, you've gotten big" he said and hugged back

I released the hug, "i missed you so much niichan!" I said with a Bright smile

"I missed you too baby, so.. Aren't you going to introduce him to me?" He was referring to Usui

"Oh.. This is Usui.. Remember him?" I said and patted Usui's shoulder

"Oh.. Him..." He smiled evily at Usui, when i looked at Usui, he did the same..

'This will be a loooooong day!" I said at the back of mind and sighed


Heyy mina!, sorry, i'm writing this in a hurry though.. Still didnt check about the spelling errors, by the way? How was it mina?

Im sorry for the spelling errors on last two chapters too! I was kinda lazy to change it but anyways thanks for supporting this book!

Hope you like it!!


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