Chapter 4

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"kyaaa!" i shouted a bit "sure! thats one of my favorite" i stated

"hehe, ok ok, lets meet at our house at 7:00 pm, this could be so much fun" Misa-chan said and jump for an excitement

"whats with all the noise?" Usui stated

"Nonya" Misa-chan said. i grinned

"Nonya?" Usui asked

"NONYA BUSINESS!" Misa-chan and i stated Together

"pfft. you two look like twins" he said while stopping his laugh

"yeah! were born and fated to be childhood friends!" i said and bleehd at Usui. His face turn into his usual poker face.

We walked through the street and reached Takumi's Residence.

"Bye bye! seeya later (y/n)!" Misa-chan waved while usui walked through there gates.

"Bye!" i said before running fast to reach my house.

"Im home!" i said "oh your home!" mom greeted while sitting on the sofa in our living room. i kissed her cheeks as respect

"mom, uhmm, Misa-chan invited me to go overnight at their house is it ok?" i asked my mom's permission

"Sure!, if its your Fiance's house" mom stated, eh? Fiance?

"eh? what do you mean by 'Your Fiance's House' mom?" i asked

"oh nothing, just go ahead" she said and took a sip on her tea

"oh, ok!" i directly ran through my room packed some of my things that I'll be needing in our overnight. Yiieee~ im so excited.

i rested for a bit so i can stay awake all night watching Deathnote and some other Movies..
i woke up in the knock on my door "hey?, Baby(y/n), Usui's is here" i heard my mom called me. WAIT?! what does Usui doing in my house?

i directly open my door "What is he doing here?" i asked my mom "he said he's going to get you" mom replied. Damn! Who told him to fetch me? pfft! never mind!. i directly get my bag beside my bed and took my phone resting on my study table. i ran downstairs and i saw Usui sitting on our couch.

"come on!" i approached him

"wait!" he said and i heard him giggled a little as i look at him "your hair!"

i took my phone to look at my self "GOSH!" my hair got so messy. i directly tied my hair and stepped outside "Mom!, we're going!" i shouted. Usui covered his Left ear, pfft! "Take Care Baby!" she shout as a reply

Usui chuckled. "what are you laughing at?" i asked with a tone of annoyance

"you were now teenager but still your mom calls you Baby" He laughed. Whats wrong with being called baby by your own mother?

"pfft lets go" we walked though our gates and started walking through their mansion.


So, hehe, does your mom still call you Baby when you were now a Teenager?
tell me and lets make a rally in front of Usui's room. Hihihi Just Kidding (^-^)

Hope you enjoyed it!


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