Chapter - 17 - Phone Calls

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(Y/n)'s POV:

4pm and.. Finally, Usui fell asleep already, he catch fever yesterday duo to soaking himself from the rain i slowly walked outside and closed the door.

~Ring ring~ my phone is ringing..

"Uhh hello?"

[[Hello (y/n)-chan?, this is Sakura]]

"Uhh, oh? Hey Sakura! Whats up?" I forgot i gave Sakura my Email

[[How does Usui-senpai doing?]]

"He's sleeping for now, his fever already gone down"

[[Thats good to hear though, ans i wanna say sorry for teasing you]]

"Yeah, its okay, btw, i know you didn't call me just for that. What is it?"

[[Oh yeah, i totally forgot!, have you heard about the results?]]


[[On our dance contest]]

"Oh, what about that?"

[[The red team won]] she sounded like sobbing

"Oh.. Thats okay.."

[[You aren't mad?]]

"Why would i?, i enjoyed our performance, though i hate our costume"

[[Hahaha, yeah-- Sakura! Help me here im the kitchen please!, oh i need to go now, i need to help mom cooking bye]]

"Oh yeah.. Bye!"

[[Hang up]]

I walked though the kitchen to get some snacks, i decided to watch anime since i have nothing to do..

I seated on the couch comfortably, while holding a bowl of chips on my hand, i started the episode.

~ring ring~ someone disturb me


[[Ahh! My princess!, are you busy?]]

"Oh its you dad!, no im not why?"

[[I just missed my girl.. Btw i heard Usui catch a cold, is he okay?]]

"Yeah he's fine now, he just need to rest a bit more"

[[Oh okay, princess, I need you to go to the airport tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning]]

"Huh? Why?"

[[Its a secret~~]]


[[Oh now, i need to go now princess, take care! Love you! Bye!]]

"Its no fair!"

[[Hang up]]

"Sometimes, i hate my father hmmf!"

[Time Skips, 10am at the Airport]

Usui and I walked inside the Airport..

"What are we doing here?" He asked in a bored tone

"As if know!, and why did you come anyways if you feel bored? Judt go home already!" I exclaimed

"I would let my queen walk in the airport, what if someone snatch you away?" He jokingly said

"Tch! Shatap!"

~Ring ring~ someone called with an unknown number


[[Hello my princess! Did you missed me?]] The voice seems very familliar..

Couldn't it be.......

First of all i want to say sorry for updating late, i become busy of my exams and i had a lits of projects to finish.

I promise to update the next chapter as soon as possible!

But by the way, how is it mina??

Hope you like it!!!


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