Chapter 15 - Sports Festival

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A/N: im going to make the usual short update since everyone likes me to do short chappies to update (I think??)

~Btw, enjoy!
(Y/n)'s POV:

"(Y/n)-Chan put on your costume already!" Muttered sakura while handing me my costume

"Ehh!! Its too embarrassing!! I don't wanna put that on!" I protested

The costume is blue checkered crop top and a white mini skirt with a pair of black boots

"You need to wear it!" He paused and giggled "or else, I'll call Shirakawa-kun to dress you" she added and burst into laughter

What?! I felt my cheeks burn "w-what? Alright alright I'm going to wear it!" I stuttered

After few minutes I got out of the cubicle of our comfort room

"Kawaii desu me (y/n)-chan!" She barely shouted

I covered her mouth "shh! Your so loud sakura-chan" I said

Then someone knocked at the door "hey guys? Are you ready? The contest is starting" it was Shizuko

"Were ready, wait a sec Zuko-chan!" Sakura said "I just need to tie (y/n)'s hair for a bit"

She tied up my hair into a one-sided tail on the right, she even put cute pink pins on the sides that matches my (hair style) (hair colour) hair.

"I know shirakawa-kun will fall head over heals for you" she said with a smile plastered on her face "your so cute!"

I sighed "its been the 9th time you said um cute sakura-chan" I said

"Because you're really cute!" She said, I playfully glared at her, she chuckled "okay okay, come on!"

When we got out of the comfort room guys and girls on our team stared, well my skirt is 2 inches longer than this skirt Im wearing and all my life I didn't wore crop tops though

"Kawaii" girls are shouting

"We are never wrong in choosing you (L/n)-San" our captain said

"Yeah yeah, sure, could you please tell them to stop staring, if don't I'll change my clothes" I threatened them

"Oi guys stop staring at her!" Our captain said


The red team's choreo was really cool, it was folk dance with matching interpretation, and woah they have lots of fans I'm sure they'll win

"Wow what a nice performance you got there red team, so let's give applause for the yellow team" said the MC as the crowd gone wild

We got up of the stage and started dancing, the crowd was cheering shouting and they even printed a poster with our team's picture and names, oh I saw misa-chan cheering at us with Usui beside him faking his smile,
On our last part, Shirakawa-kun pulled me close to him like he's going to kiss me (remember that part?) But surprisingly he really kissed me, he kissed me in front of the crowd, in front of my team in front of Misa-chan and most importantly in front of my fiancé, Usui.

After the realization I pulled away and made the last move of the dance, the crowd was in aw' like shit and I tried to find Usui but his nowhere in sight. I just saw misa-chan glaring at shirakawa-kun.

Shit! What should I do?!?!


First of all, sorry for updating this chapter late, I was busy because of my exam and I can't focus in writing so I decided to pause for a while.

Btw, how was it mina-san?

Hope you like it!!


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