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first of all, this is just me nagging and thankyou-ing all of you guys who read my book. even if its a big trash

A BIG BIG BIG thankyou guys!! my book reached 69.9k reads and 1.8k+ votes, i didnt even expected it to grow that big. thankyou so much guys even if it had a lot of grammatical errors and is a weeaboo level 999999 you still supported it at all cost.

Im not famous author though but it is my dream, all of the Authors dream to make the readers happy and for our book to reach that amount of reads, you know not all the books here at wattpad reached that amount of reads even if its better than my works, super thank you. Its making me emotional.

i thought it was a big flop cause i'm a lazy author. i'm a big flop but it turned out to be the other way round, i cant explain how happy i am. all i can say is IM SUPER ULTRA MEGA FUCKIN HAPPY BECAUSE ALL OF YOU GUYS.

I uninstalled wattpad after i finished the book cause its eating my space and its making me crazy so thats why. so i installed it agaaaaaainnn it surprised me to see it got 59k reads and a thousand votes. My followers went up from 50 to a hundred. then the book is on the first Rank in Maid sama. thankyouu guyss thankyou very much.

And also before i end my nagging. i wanted to say that im not making any stories here in this account. i got second account named its written on my bio in this account. there i write more stories there i got a lot of pending stories there waiting for me o publish them. and another, my friend and i made a collaboration account for our collaboration stories named , i hope you still support me, you still support us in this journey of writing and making fantastic worlds for you guys.

ILoveyouverymuchhh thankyouu agaaaaainnn 😍😘💛💙💜💚❤💗💋💌💘💞💖💕💓

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