Chapter 5 - OverNight At The Takumi's Residence PART 1

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After a slight walk through Takumi's Residence (Takumi's and (L/n) houses were just walking distance). Usui opened the door for me. "Thankyou" i said together with a bow. Usui's Mother run towards my direction and gave me a huge hug . EH?

"(y/n)!!! Youre all grown up now! you became a nice and pretty lady" she said while tightening her hug.

"Mom!, she can barely breathe let her go" Usui stated

"sorry sorry, i didn't mean to hehe" she apologized.

"(y/n)! com here upstairs! lets begin watching movies!" Misa-chan called me. "Okey! Im coming!" i replied

we watched the first part of the Parasyte Live action, the story was really kinda interesting! Sinichi Izumi Looks so cool!

[[Knock knock knock]] <--- someone interrupted our movie watching

"im sorry to intrude you but dinner is ready" Mr.Takumi said

"alright! lets eat dinner" Misa-chan said while smiling, hmm, misa-chan seems very happy today hmm

we ran down stairs and giggling who would go to the dinning room first. hahaha were such a kidos

after eating dinner, Usui brought a guitar in the living room and started playing it, Sugoi! his so amazing!, i stared at him playing it. "ne,ne, (y/n) i heard that your good at playing those too" Misa-chan's mother said "hehe, not really though!, Usui-nii still greater than me" i complimented Usui

"wow,its the first time you admitted that I'm greater than you at something" Usui-nii teased

i pouted my lips "c-can i try?" i stuttered. "sure! here" he handed me the instrument and started playing, after a several songs played my fingers are aching "aw!, okey! that's all for now hehe" i said. "Amazing!, as expected from (y/n)!" Misa-chan's mom cheered while clapping her hands same as her father. "Nah! i thought you were good at it but it seems not!, you totally Sucks at playing at it" he emphasized the word 'sucks' and that offended me.

"Pardon me?" i asked. he shook his head "nothing! just saying you really sucks at playing that instru-" i didn't let him finish and gave a round house kick and he fell at the couch behind him. everyone was shocked "(y/n) are you alright?" Misa-chan's mom asked "yes" i said

"lets go (y/n)!, lets just finish our movie hehe" Misa-chan said. But before we made our first step to her room we heard Usui chuckled


Poor Usui-sama i know his face is so damaged right know. haha he'll recover someday xD

stay tuned for the next chappie <3

hope you enjoyed it!


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