Meet the Doctor, the Captain, and an Elf

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He didn't know who I was until they caught me, stealing. They grabbed me, told me I couldn't talk. Then, they dragged me all the way to some sort of jail cell and threw me in it, then they slammed the door and punched in a code that activated a lock. I waited what felt like years till he arrived with a doctor and a guy that looked like an elf. I sat there in the cell, on a bench that was connected to the wall. I stared at the floor until the doctor cleared his throat. I looked up at the doctor. My left eye was swollen and purple. I can't remember anything, all I  remember was, I was in this building next to a crystal, passed out, and these men were grabbing me, and they put me In this cell. I couldn't hear what the doctor was saying, my vision was going black, but before I passed out, I saw him standing there. He looked older than me, he had brown hair, and his eyes were so blue! He looked familiar to me. Then it hit me, his name was Kirk, or was it Jim? But all I could get out of my mouth before I passed out was, "help".

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     "We can't do anything we have to leave her in their till she wakes up!"
     "But Jim if you please-" "oh look she's still alive!"

     My vision started to clear, I looked around to get my bearings. I saw that I was still in the cell, but somehow I ended up on the floor. I looked around to see if I could somehow get out of this cell, but there was no way out. I stopped gazing, and I slowly sat up. I noticed that my cell had no windows, typical. But then I was staring straight out of a giant glass wall. I saw the two men fighting over something. I stepped closer to see if I could hear what they were saying, but as I got closer to the glass wall, they stopped and looked at me. I stood by the wall waiting for something to happen. Then the doctor and his friend that he was arguing with came to the glass wall.

     "Miss, miss, I'm gonna need you to put your arm through this hole"

    The doctor had a syringe in his hand, I immediately backed away, terrified. I've had a phobia of needles ever since I was little.

     "It's ok, all I'm gonna do is take some blood, it will take only a couple of seconds then you'll be done!"

   I was a bit nervous, but I don't think they'd leave me alone until I did the blood test. So I slowly walked back to the glass wall, and I slowly put my right arm through the hole in the wall. The doctor placed the syringe on my arm and a heard a click, I flinched as I felt the needle pierce my skin. A small tear fell from my eye. I no I shouldn't be afraid of needles but, I felt like crying. My whole life is like a blur to me, I only remember some bits and pieces, I think I'm 15? Or am I 16 years old? I CANT REMEMBER!! As the doctor finished up with my arm, he grabbed a bandage from his pants pocket and put it on my arm where he inserted the needle. As he let go of my arm, I pulled my arm back in my cell and the hole disappeared. The doctor left and it was just me and the other man. He just stood there, staring at me. I decided I wasn't interested in playing the "who can stare at the other person the longest" game. So I turned around and headed for the bed in the right corner of the room. As I was walking to the bed the man said something to me that I didn't hear. So I turned around and looked at him puzzled.

"What's your name?" He asked
I stood there confused, I couldn't remember my name. I looked up at him and I shook my head "no". Now he looked confused. He just smiled and said, "alright, well if you ever talk, let me know". And he walked away. I turned around and plopped on the bed, and I slowly let my eyes close.

[Jim's POV]

I was still confused as to why the girl wouldn't talk. Maybe she was just quiet all the time. I headed back to doctor McCoy to see who our little guest was.

"Did the blood test come back?" I asked.
"Um, actually it did Kirk, and you may want to see the results"
As McCoy gave me a tablet with all the girls blood work, my eyes widened. Her name was Lucy Ash Kirk. She was 16 years old. Had the same blood type as me, and she had my blue eyes too!

"This isn't right McCoy, your test must be wrong, because she can't be my sister.
"But she is Kirk" the doctor insisted.

     I ran my hands through my hair. How is this possible? I had to find out for my self. So I grabbed McCoy and we headed for the cell.

     As we were heading for the cell Spock decided to join us. Great, another pain in the neck!

     "Captain," Spock said, while trying to keep up with me and McCoy. "Who is this girl you have taken into custody?"

     McCoy was about to speak, but he was cut off by the loud ringing of the emergency alarms, and the flashing red lights. We all froze and looked at each other. Then we all dashed for Lucy's cell.

     When we reached her cell, it was completely empty. I grabbed one of the guards by the collar.

      "Where did she go!" I asked forcefully,

     " I don't know," he stammered, " I've been watching her cell all day, there's no way she could've escaped!"

     I let him go slowly, if she's not in there, then how in the world did she manage to escape?! Me and Bones exchanged worried looks. If we lose her, we could lose valuable information! Or we could lose Lucy. She doesn't know anything, and almost everything makes her flinch. We can't put others in danger! We must find Lucy, or it could be too late!

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