Strange Feelings

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[Jims POV]

When Lucy passed out again, I thought I was going to lose her.

McCoy was calling my name. "Jim, Jim! We need to get her to the hospital right now!"

I snapped back into focus.

"Of course," I stammered. "Spock help us out here, stop standing in the door way please."

Spock walked to the other side of Lucy, and McCoy was at Lucy's feet. Me and Spock both put our arms underneath Lucy's back, and we lifted her off the ground. McCoy grabbed Lucy's legs and we headed towards a nearby hospital.

When we got to the hospital Lucy was taken away from us immediately. Me and Spock were told to stay in the waiting room, but McCoy negotiated with the doctor to let us go with him and help.

The doctors didn't do much. They got Lucy to a room, set her down on a bed, and did a few check ups. They checked her breathing, which was now returning to normal. They checked to see if she could wake up, which didn't seem like it was going to happen. Then they brought in an IV and hooked it up to Lucy. They also brought in an oxygen tank for her and hooked that to her nose. Then the doctors left the three of us in the room.

The room became silent for a while until McCoy cleared his throat.

" Jim," McCoy said. "She'll be fine, I promise. She'll probably wake up in a few minutes or so."

I let out a sigh.
"Why does this keep happening to her?" I questioned. I was about to say something to McCoy, but I was interrupted by Lucy's voice.

"It's not possible, it's not possible."
She kept repeating this over and over.

"Lucy, what's not possible?" I asked.

Tears were falling down her cheeks now. She let out a small whimper.

"He's supposed to be asleep!" She cried. "This isn't real!"

"Lucy," I said calmly. "Who's supposed to be asleep?"

Her lips were trembling as she said,


I looked to McCoy and Spock. They were as shocked as I was when she said that name.

Something started to beep. McCoy looked at something on the machines and said,

"She's having a hard time breathing, it's making her heart rate slow down."

McCoy went over to Lucy and checked for a pulse on her neck. He looked up at me and shook his head "no".

"I'm going to try and perform CPR on Lucy" McCoy said to me. I couldn't say anything. I felt frozen in place. I looked around the room to find Spock, but he had disappeared. Where is he?

McCoy performed CPR for a while, then he suddenly stopped.

I was confused. "What's wrong McCoy?" I asked.

He looked up at me.

"Well," McCoy said. "She's breathing, but I don't hear or feel a pulse."

"How is that even possible?" I said.

"It shouldn't be possible."McCoy told me.

Lucy began to speak again. She kept repeating, "set me free, set me free!" Her arms began to shake. Suddenly she started to scream at the top of her lungs, "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!"

The doctors must've heard it because they came running into the room. They were all over the place. Some of the doctors were trying to hold Lucy down on the bed. She struggled a bit, but then she relaxed.

I heard more coughing come from Lucy, then she started choking. I rushed to her side.

"Somebody do something!" I shouted.

McCoy ran outside the room to get something, and as he did, Spock came running in.

"Where were you Spock!" I demanded.

"I went to get something to help her." Spock said calmly.

Spock was holding a bowl that contained a blue liquid. He went to the other side of the bed and placed the bowl down on a nearby nightstand. He grabbed an eye dropper and placed it in the blue liquid. Then he squeezed the end of it, making it suck in the blue liquid. He took the eye dropper out of the bowl and moved it above Lucy's forehead. Spock then let one drop fall onto her forehead, then he waited for something to happen.

Spock stared at Lucy, waiting. Everything around me seemed to go quiet. I was worried that Lucy wouldn't wake up.

Suddenly the machine went silent. Then the doctors started to panic. One of the doctors grabbed the defibrillator and was about to place it on Lucy's chest. Suddenly Lucy woke up, gasping for air.

[Lucy's POV]

I saw lots of people in the room. I mostly saw doctors. Then I saw Jim, and the doctor, and Jim's elf friend. But I had a funny felling that he wasn't an elf.

I saw my brother smiling at me. He looked tired, and scared.

"I'm fine Jim." I told him.

"I didn't ask." Jim said.

"Jim," I asked. " who's the doctor, and who's that guy." I pointed to the guy who looked like an elf.

Jim laughed. "The doctor is Mr. McCoy, and the Vulcan is Spock.

I smiled at the doctor, he returned the smile back. Then I turned towards Spock.
"Thank you," I said. "Thank you for helping me."

"You are welcome," is all he said.

Spock left the room ,silently. Then doctor McCoy followed him. All the other doctors in the room finished up what they were doing to me, then they too left the room.

Now it was just me and my brother.

Suddenly I started crying. Hot tears streamed down my face and fell onto my hands.

"Lucy what's wrong?", Jim asked concerned.

I tried my best to calm down and finally, I stopped crying.

"Do ever get that strange feeling," I asked,"when you wake up from a dream one day,then a week later it happens and you realize that you've been to that place before."

"Yeah, I get those all the time," Jim said to me."why do you ask?"

"Well," I said,"when I first got here, it looked all to familiar to me, like I've been here before. Then I saw the cell, your friends, and then," I hesitated,"and then I saw you."

Jim looked at me strangely, then he said, "how about I show you my ship," He said with a big white smile on his face, "to make you feel better?"

I started to smile now too.

"Sure," I said happily, "what could go wrong with that?"

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