Invisible to You

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[Lucy's POV]
I was in my cell fast asleep, when all of a sudden I was awoken by a loud alarm. I jumped out of bed, my arms and legs shaking by the sudden noise. I couldn't figure out what was going on. Someone screamed something like "escape" and "prisoner." Wait, were they talking about me? But that doesn't make any sense, I'm still in my cell. Everyone was doing something, some were making calls, others were looking for paper work. From some part of the room, the captain, doctor, and some guy that looked like an elf, showed up with red faces. They looked like they ran all the way here. The captain was arguing with a man, he seemed to be the guard. The doctor was asking people some questions. And the elf man, he came straight to my cell and stared right at me. Then he turned around and said something to the captain. The captain looked at the elf, then to my cell. He then went to a control panel on the wall to the left of my cell, and tapped a few buttons. My cell started to glow red. Then it stopped.

"Can you hear me?" The captain said. "My name is Jim Kirk, I am the captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise. If you're in there, please, show your self."

I felt something in my body tingled. It felt like something pinched my spine. But I felt completely normal. When I looked up, everyone had wide eyes. Jim was surprised to see me still in my cell.

"How did you," Jim paused." How did you do that?"

I looked at him confused.

"How did I do what?" I asked.
"You can talk now!" Jim said sarcastically. "What's that supposed to mean?" I said dryly.

Jim opened his mouth to say something, but then he quickly closed it.

"Listen, Jim told me,"i'm going to come in there to talk to you, is that ok?"

I shook my head "yes" and I went to the corner to sit on my bed.
Jim walked to the opposite side of my cell and punched in a code. I heard a click and the door opened. He stood in the doorway for a few seconds. Then he stepped into my cell and closed the door so that it would lock again. He walked towards me slowly. I didn't know what he was going to say, but whatever it was, it seemed to be important. He stopped in front of me. The room went silent for a while, then Jim cleared his throat. And started asking a bunch of questions!

"I'm just gonna ask a few questions, this shouldn't take long."
"Good, I said,"because I have a few things to do today like, sit in this cell and breathe."
"I'm sure you do,"Jim said.
"Ok, first question, do you remember anything from last night?" Jim asked.

"What do you think that answer is captain?" I said coldly.
"I'm guessing it's a no then," Jim said calmly.
I started to feel warm, but maybe it was the temperature in the room. I ignored it and started answering more of Jim's questions.

"Can you tell me if you have any family members?" Jim asked.

I searched my memory for a mom,dad, maybe a brother or sister. But I couldn't find anything.
I looked up at Jim with glassy eyes, and shook my head "no".

"Well, Jim said, "turns out you do have a mom, dad, and one brother.

My eyes grew big with surprise.
"I have parents?! And a brother!"
I got up quickly, hugging Jim tightly. I jumped up and down with joy! I have a family, a real family! As I let go of him, Jim had a big white smile on his face.

I looked to Jim and said, "when can I meet my brother?"
That made Jim's smile fade.
I began to worry, did something happen to my brother?

"Is my brother dead?" I asked Jim.

"No," he said. "Your brother is still alive."
I started to feel dizzy but maybe I'm just tired.

"If my brother isn't dead," I said,"then where is he?"
Jim didn't say anything. I was getting mad, and I was sick and tired of the awkward silence. I stood up and yelled, "WHERE IS MY BROTHER?!"

He whispered, "he's in front of you".
I didn't hear what he said so I asked him to speak up.
"He's in front of you!" Jim said louder.
I managed to get out the word "what".
"I'm your brother Lucy," Jim said quietly."I'm not lying, I'm telling you the truth."

My head was hurting but I ignored it. I went to hug my brother Jim. While I did so, tears were streaming down my face. I finally had someone that cared for me. I had a family!

I let go of Jim, and I smiled up at him. He smiled back. As the room got quiet I heard a strange voice. The voice said in a whisper "come to me child, come to me and set me free!"

"Did you hear that?" I asked.
Jim looked confused. "I don't hear anything Lucy."

Then I heard laughing, children's screams, and my own scream.
My hands were shaking, what's wrong with me? I had trouble breathing now. It felt like I was drowning.
"Lucy!" Jim said loudly rushing to my side.
I had another coughing fit. This time I was coughing up blood.

Jim shouted,"McCoy, Spock, get in here now!"
The doctor and the elf rushed into my cell. The doctor came to my side, but the elf stayed by the door.

My legs felt weak and I crumpled to the floor. Jim and the doctor looked terrified at what was happening.

My vision started to get blurry, my breathing seemed to echo in my ears.

"Stay with me Lucy,please!" Jim said worried.

I felt tired. My eyes started to close. The only thing I remembered before I blacked out again, was the shout of my brothers voice.

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