Rescued Too Late

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[ McCoy's POV ]

The plan was simple, find Lucy and the crew, stop Krall and Khan, and we all live happily ever after! But we don't even know where the crew is located!

Then, Spock tells us that he gave his "girlfriend" a radioactive, tracking device, necklace. That's how we'll find the crew. Jim will create a distraction, and then me, Jaylah, and Spock, will wait till the "guards" are distracted, then I'll head for Lucy. Spock and Jaylah will go get the crew and wait till I return with Lucy. It sounds easy, but to me, it sounds difficult.

We all set out on foot, well, not everyone did.

Jim took the motorcycle that was sitting up against the wall in the U.S.S Franklin. The smile on his face was good to see. He would reach the camp first before us. But, Scotty decided before we actually did leave, that instead of traveling on foot, we'd be beamed to the camp. But we'd get there a few seconds before Jim would.

So, we took Scotty's idea. We did make it before Jim did, then he arrived one minute later. We talked over the plan again, Jim went his way, Spock and Jaylah went there way, and I went mine.

While Jim was distracting the guards and being fired at, I looked around the camp, I didn't see any sign of Lucy, but I did see Sulu and the rest of the crew. I ran in their direction.

"Sulu!" I shouted,"where's Lucy?"

"They took her underground, there may be more crew members down there." Sulu said.

I left Sulu, and ran towards the doors that may lead to the underground cells. I pushed them open. Turns out they did lead to the underground cells.

I ran down the ramps as fast as I could.
I reached the cells on the lowest level, thinking Lucy may be down here. I looked in all the cells, but I only found them either empty or full or crew members. I unlocked them to let the crew out, told them the way out, and watched them all run up the ramps.

Then I came upon the last cell on the lowest level. I couldn't see if anyone was in there, so I got closer. As I did so, I couldn't see the persons face, they were lying up against the cell, their head was slumped to the side. But I could see their uniform clearly, but I also saw that their uniform was soaked with fresh blood. Then it came back to me. Lucy was in an accident, the side of her uniform was soaked in blood when I saw her.

My eyes grew wide with fear. The person laying in there was Lucy!

I ran up to the cell, grabbed my hand phaser, and shot the lock off of the door. It fizzled and sparked but the door opened.

I ran inside, quickly kneeling down by Lucy. I felt for a pulse.

"C'mon give me a pulse!" I pleaded.

Then I felt it, it was faint but it was something.

"Lucy?" I searched her for any sign of life, a twitch, anything! "Lucy can you hear me?"

Her eyes slowly fluttered open.

My eyes filled with tears, she was alive, but still dying. But I just hoped I didn't find her too late.

"McCoy?" Lucy whispered. "How did you get here?"

"I'll explain later," I replied,"but let's get you out of here first."

I held Lucy in my arms all the way up the ramps, and out to the meeting point. Spock and Jaylah were gone, so was the crew and Jim, but luckily, I could still get back to base.

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