Waking Up to an Unwelcomed Visitor

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[ Lucy's POV ]

"That's it," the voice seemed to be far away,"that's it, wake up."

My eyes slowly opened, everything was a blur. I could see someone was standing over me, but I couldn't see their face.

"McCoy?" I asked.

"No, Lucy" the persons voice echoed a bit.

Then my vision cleared.

My eyes grew wide in horror.

I opened my mouth to scream but Khan quickly covered it with his hand.

"Shhh!" Khan held a finger to his lips," don't scream, or I'll knock you out too!"

I heard a weak moan, then I heard someone moving.

"Sit tight for just one second," Khan said to me.

I sat up to see what he was doing. I went to move my hands, but they were tied to the table! Now I was frustrated, and somewhat tired. I was also trying to figure out how I was alive, because if I'm correct, I do remember dying.

Khan was kneeling on the floor next to someone. They put up a good fight, but Khan didn't even have any bruises or cuts on his face from the persons blows.

"Stop fighting me doctor McCoy!" Khan yelled.

McCoy?! What was he doing in here? I had to do something to help him.

I looked around the room for something to use, then I remembered that my hands were tied to the table. I felt around the table as much as I could with my tied up hands. Then something pricked me. I felt it again, and realized it was a syringe! I then grabbed it and tried to cut the binds on my wrists.

I got my left hand free first, then I quickly started to cut the right. Now both of my hands were free!

I then pounced on Khan, beating him senseless! I grabbed at his hair, punched his face, and tried anything I could to get him away from McCoy.

"You little bitch!" Khan shouted.

He grabbed me and threw me off his back, I hit the wall and created a little dent in it.

"Uhhh," I moaned. The pain wasn't that bad, but my head was throbbing.

I just wished that this moron would go away!

Suddenly,Khan froze in place. Then he walked slowly out of the room, and was gone.

I blinked a few times. "Did that just happen?" I said to my self. I shook my head and focused on McCoy.

I crawled to his side. I went to poke him to see if he was still alive, but I saw that he was moving.

He turned over towards me.

"Hi," I said with a smile.

McCoy's eyes grew wide with fear. He then quickly sat up and moved against the counter. He wouldn't stop staring at me.

"McCoy?" I asked,"what's wrong?"

His chest was moving up and down fast, then it slowed down.

"Lucy?" His voice cracked. Tears formed in his eyes.

"Yes," I replied.

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