Never say "What could go wrong?"

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"Here she is!" Jim said happily,"the USS Enterprise!"

What I was thinking the ship would look like before I actually saw it was not what I imagined it to be. It was huge! I've never seen anything like it! It had the biggest engine I've ever seen! I can't even find the words to describe it.

My mouth hung open as wide as it could go.

Finally I found my voice to speak.

"Whoa," I said in awe,"that is yours! I've never seen anything like it."

Jim laughed at me.

"Yeah, people are pretty amazed by this ship, it can travel the nebula!"

"Can we go inside it?" I asked anxiously.

"Sure we can," Jim said,"but first you're going to need some new clothes."

As we got closer to the ship it got bigger and bigger. I was really starting to wonder how big this ship really is.

Jim disappeared out of my sight for a bit, then he returned holding something blue.

"Here," Jim said as he handed me the blue mysterious item.

It looked to be folded. So I unfolded it and gasped. It was a blue dress that had a little silver pin near the collar. The symbol looked like the same one that Jim had on his shirt.

"What does this mean," I asked Jim while I pointed to the symbol.

"It means that you're part of starfleet." He said.

I didn't know what to say, I was so happy! I tackled Jim with a hug.

"Thank you so much!" I said happily.

"Your welcome Lucy," Jim said,"now how about we take the Enterprise for a spin," Jim said excitedly.

"Ok," I told Jim,"but first let me change into this uniform."

When I entered the USS Enterprise it looked like a giant maze on the inside. Eventually I found the main part of the ship where Jim would be.

I stood in front of the door for what seemed to be eternity.

"You know", someone said behind me,"if you stand there any longer that door may never open."

I jumped at the sudden voice, and turned around.

Standing behind me was doctor McCoy. He wore his blue uniform with the same symbol that I had on my dress.

"Do you always stand behind people?" I asked.

He stared at me for a while, then his eyes grew.

"Lucy?" He said surprised,"I didn't even recognize you in that uniform."

"Jim gave this to me," I said,"but, this is totally better than those dirty clothes I had on earlier."

"Well," McCoy said,"it looks like you're trying to get in there."

"Yes, but I don't know if I can." I said nervously.

"It's easy really, all you have to do is step a little closer and the doors will open." McCoy told me.

I laughed a little.

"I know that, its just, I have this weird feeling inside me that something bad might happen." I looked to the doctor with a worried look.

Jim Kirk & LucyWhere stories live. Discover now