Memories to Remember

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I woke up in a room. But I was the only one in that room. In fact, I think I'm the only one here! This place, it looks familiar. I've been here before, or was I here in a dream?

I heard that strange voice again, but this time I could hear it clearly. It said "come child, come and set me free!" I wanted to follow the voice but I couldn't, it didn't feel right. Suddenly I was moving towards the voice, I tried to stop my self but I couldn't stop!

I walked to the doors in the room, and I pushed them open. I walked out into a giant empty room. In the middle was some sort of tube and it had someone in it! I walked towards the tube, and as I got near, I stopped. There seemed to be ice inside, and frost on the outside of the tube. I grabbed my shirt sleeve and I rubbed off some of the frost on the glass. There was a man. He looked familiar to me. I know I've seen him before, but where?!

I leaned forward to get a better look at him, but as I did his eyes shot open. I jumped back in surprise.

"You came on time!" He said with a mischievous smile.

"Indeed I did sir, I would never be late!" I said. I can't even control my own voice!

"Get me out of here, before they find out where you are. They can't find you like last time." He said.

"That was a mistake sir, something happened to me, I think one of my men turned on me for the crystal you wanted." I explained.

I pressed a few buttons on the tube and the top popped open. The man inside kicked it off its hinges, and it landed somewhere in the empty room.

He sat up and hopped out of the tube. He was definitely taller than me. He had a black shirt on with black pants. He also had blue eyes like mine. And his hair was also black, or was it a bit darker?

He looked down at me and smiled.

"I knew I could always count on you Lucy."

I smiled at him, but suddenly my smiled faded. I knew who this was!

I said in a panicky voice. "khan, you're supposed to be sleeping for eternity! I couldn't have waken you up!"

His smile turned into anger. He started to walk towards me. I started to back up. But as I did, I ran into a wall.

I was getting scared, I wanted this dream to end! Tears were falling down my face.
Khan stopped in front of me. His smile spreading across his face. He wiped a tear from my cheek and said to me,
"Why are you scared of me? You just helped me escape! You helped me plan this. Don't you remember?"
"This isn't real! I shouted."this is all just a dream! A nightmare maybe!"

His smile grew bigger. And suddenly he started laughing. Khan's laughter grew louder and louder. Then it stopped. Khan stared into my eyes and said,

"Lucy you shouldn't be scared of me! In fact you should thank me! I'm the one that ended your suffering."

I looked at him confused, my eyes now red from crying."what suffering? I was never suffering!"

Khan shook his head and spun me around. I was now facing the wall that I was cornered in. Except the wall wasn't there anymore. All I could see was death!

"You know where we are?" He asked.

"I have no idea," I said. "I've never seen this place before."
"We," khan said. "Are on the U.S.S. Enterprise, you should know this because your brother is the captain!"

Then I saw it, the most terrifying thing I never wanted to see. I saw my brother lying face down on the ground. Blood pooled from his corpse. More tears were now falling from my cheeks.

Khan placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's a shame," he said. "I was thinking that you two were getting along, I guess not."

"What does that mea-" I stopped, I lifted my hands to see that they were covered in blood. But who's?

Suddenly, the room went dark. But my brothers corpse still laid on the floor. I stared at it, tears kept falling from my eyes.

When I looked up to see his body again, it was gone. My expression changed from sad, to confusion. Next thing I know, he was standing in front of me. His expression was blank. I reached out for him but when I did I heard the sound of a knife. Then I heard Jim crumple to the ground.

I rushed over to him. I was sobbing now. I reached for his hand but as I did, I had a knife in my hands. It was covered in his blood!

The last words that I heard from him was "why?" Then he let out his last breath, and died.

I was filled with rage! This dream isn't real! It's fake!

I was so furious that I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Khan reappeared from out of nowhere and ran to my side.

"Are you all right? He didn't hurt you did he?!" He asked concerned.

I went to shove him out of the way but he quickly grabbed my wrists.

"Lucy, what's gotten into you? Your not following the plan!" He had anger in his voice now.

"Let go of me! This isn't real! Your not real! And I would never follow orders from you!" I shouted.

His grip on my wrists loosened a bit, but he still had a firm grip.

"Lucy you're right, this isn't real. But it's a vision. Your seeing into the future! It will happen whether you like it or not!" He said sternly.

"No!" I said. "That's not true! I would never kill Jim! And not even you can make me!"

Khans expression changed, he looked furious now. His blue eyes seemed to glow with rage!

"You know what?" He said. "Maybe I don't have to keep you in the plans. Well, actually never mind I need you still. But doesn't mean I have to keep you in good shape!"

He grabbed the knife from my hands and raised it above his head. He then made a move to slash my arm. But he never did. Khan dropped the knife. It made a clank sound as it hit the floor. Khan looked exhausted. But why? He didn't even do anything yet.

Khan slowly lowered himself to the floor and sat there. Quietly.

This was my chance! I can take him out! I charged at khan with all the strength that I had left inside me. And when I was just a centimeter away from him, he disappeared into thin air.

I fell onto the ground with a "thud."
Then from out of know where, khan reappeared holding the knife to my neck.

"You think I'm that easy? Well Lucy", he sneered," looks like I'm not going to be needing you after all!"

He raised the knife once again above his head, and he brought it down to my throat. But before I could feel the knife go into my skin, I woke up in a hospital room, gasping for air.

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