A Story Always Has its Endings

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FYI this chapter may be longer than any of my other chapters, just letting you know. Enjoy! :)
"Follow the plan, follow the plan!" I repeated to myself.

I walked through the long curved hallways of the Enterprise, it was a shame that I had to bring it down, I was kind of liking it.

I accidentally bumped into a man, making him spill all these papers he was carrying onto the floor.

Instead of being angry with me, he started laughing.

"Lucy," he said,"please be more careful next time."

I tilted my head to the side, I somehow knew this man as Bones.

"Do you know where the cap- I mean Jim is?" I asked.

"He's busy right now Lucy,"McCoy said,"are you ok?"

I was confused by his question.

"I am feeling fine, why do you ask?" I tilted my head a little.

"Because," McCoy grabbed my arm,"your eyes are still green."

My voice went flat," Dr. McCoy, release me at once!"

"I'm going to give you a check-up, that's final." He tried to dragged me to MedBay, but I grabbed his arm and twisted it. Then I took off running to who knows where.

Suddenly alarms went off and I was being chased by security.

I ran as fast as I could towards the doors that would lead me to James. Once I got through, I grabbed the captain by the arm and slammed his head against a control panel. McCoy and the security guards had stepped through the door, phasers were pointed at me. But I created a shield around me and James using my powers. No one can touch me now!

"Lucy, why are you-"

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, quickly cutting James off.

"Finish it!" A voice said to me.

I smiled evilly. Then I pulled out a knife and held it to James's throat. I went to slice his throat but hesitated. This seemed, wrong. I realized what I was doing and I dropped the knife. I released my grip on Jim and started crying.

"Oh Jim," I wept,"I'm so sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me!" I covered my face with my hands and kept crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. It wasn't Jim it was Khan.

His hand tightened on my shoulder as he dug his nails into my skin. I cried out in pain.

Khan then backhanded me across the face making me fall to the floor. My face stung from his hit, but I continued to cry.

"I have to do everything my self!" Khan yelled.

I heard a strange noise, then I heard their voices.

My eyes widened with fear. I quickly stood up.

"NO!" I shouted,"don't do this!"

Khan looked at me.

"This is your fault Lucy, you brought this on your self." Khan walked towards my friends, my defenseless friends, and went to make his move. Before he could strike anyone though, I had yelled "STOP!" At the top of my lungs.

Khan turned around to face me. He had a smile on his face for two seconds, then it was replaced by fear.

I held the dagger that had the strange marking on it near my heart.

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