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Jack: Monday, 29 August

I felt a hand shaking me awake and I immediately slapped it away before pulling the blanket closer to my body. "Jack, get up." I heard Mark's groggy morning voice sigh as he continued to shake me. "You have class in an hour."

"I don't want to go!" I grumbled and threw the blankets off of me. Revealing I was just in my underwear and was also freezing because of the sudden change of temperature.

A red-faced Mark returned to his bed and sat down on it as he was clicking away on his laptop.

It was seven now, and I had class at eight on Monday's. I also had another class at noon, and then one later at six. It was a full day but it was fine.

I walked over to my dresser and cautiously thought about which drawer I was about to open. Turning my head I could see Mark was avoiding looking at me, so I quickly dug underneath lacy garments and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before slamming the drawers shut. My little secret.

I got dressed and walked over to where my books were laying on the desk before shoving them into a bag. Looking in the mirror I combed out my hair and later brushed my teeth.

"Do you think I look alright?" I asked Mark who looked a little taken back. "I want to at least look presentable for the first day."

"I mean.. Yeah I guess." Mark shrugged as he looked me up and down. That was the end of that conversation.

"When do you have class today, Mark?"

"Nine and one. You?"

"Eight, twelve and six."

Mark paused. "You have a night class."

I confirmed with a nod. "It's actually pretty great having classes at night, you know, besides that one time I got jumped."

Me saying this made Mark's eyes grow like saucers. "You got jumped?" He asked, a very surprised tone to his voice.

I laughed and shook my head. "No, you can't be that gullible, can you?" I asked.

Mark's face turned red at the little lie I had told him. I wonder if he was gullible? That would make everything so much fun. Unfortunately, he shook his head and said, "No, I'm not. It's something that could have actually happened."

I shrugged, looking at the time and knowing very well that I still had about twenty minutes before class started. It only took me about ten minutes to get to my class, so there was no point in me leaving yet.

When I was looking at my phone, I was a little surprised that Mark would come to me with a question. "What was the matter with that kid in Felix's room?"

"Huh? Wesley?" I asked.

"Yeah, you guys didn't seem to get along very well." Mark told me. "Why?"

I let out a sigh as I plopped down onto my unmade bed. "We dated last year." I told him and he nodded. "He.. Wasn't all that great."

"Why not?" Mark asked and I could feel my face turning red. Why was I embarrassed by what Wesley had done? Maybe because I had always refused to leave. Either way, I could feel my eyes prick with tears too - but I was not going to cry in front of Mark.

"I'll tell you another time, I've got to go." I said, my voice much quieter than previously. I was lying, but Mark didn't know that. I stood up and walked out the door, Mark said goodbye and I said the same thing.

I walked into my class and sat next to Danny, we were fortunately of the same major and therefore actually had classes with one another. He smiled at me and gave me a quick greeting. He paused afterwards, and his face turned a little grim. "What's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing." I let out a sigh.

"Come on now, that's bullshit and you know it." Danny said to me.

"Mark had just asked me about Wesley and I don't know it didn't sit very well with me." I shrugged. "I didn't yell at him or anything or even tell him, it just kind of bummed me out a little."

"Who's Mark?" Danny asked.

"Oh! He's my new roommate." I laughed, totally spacing on the fact. "He's nice, I guess. Kind of a nerd. Kind of anti-social. Not a bad guy though."

"Well that's good." Danny smiled. "Did you hear? Arin and I -"

"Got into a frat house, yeah Zara told me." I smiled before Danny could finish his sentence.

"Damn Zara, she ruins the fun." Danny sighed.

Like that, class had started and Professor Oak walked out into the middle of the room.

I am also lying when I said his name is Professor Oak. It isn't, and only I ever call him that. His full name Just saying Professor Oakendale, but Oak is just cooler all around.

"Good morning class," he said as he set a book down on his desk. "Nice to see such young faces showing up for class on the first day." A bit of chuckles. "My name is Professor Oakendale unless you happen to be Mr. McLoughlin, isn't that right?"

"Very true sir." I laughed.

"Anyways, today we are going over the syllabus and all that nice wonderful boring stuff." He said. "So, after that you can leave because that's all anyone does on the first day."

"Sweet." I sighed in relief.

After a five minute lecture, we were free to leave. I went separate ways with Danny and wondered what to do with myself before deciding on going back to my dorm room. I took my time getting there, so it took me about twenty minutes instead of ten, it also looked like Mark had just left. He was going to be exceptionally early.

I locked the door and walked across the room to where my clothes was. Opening it, I dug around until pulling out a pair of light pink lacy underwear and substituting my normal underwear for that. Absolutely no one knew about this, and I liked keeping it this way. In other drawers there were dresses and skirts as well as pretty shirts.

I sat down on my bed, rubbing my newly shaven legs together. I actually don't see why more guys didn't do it, it felt really nice.

I let out a sigh and stood up when it was about nine fifteen, Mark's class might have ended early and I didn't want him to come in and find me like this.

I decided, however, to slip my jeans back on over it, and then I unlocked the door. Just in time too, about five minutes later Mark walked back inside.

"Hey." He greeted me when he saw me sitting on the bed. I waved.

"How was class?"

"Boring, but I quite like this school." Mark said as he sat on his bed. He laid his head down on the pillow and I watched the light reflect off of his glasses.

His head rolled over to me. "What?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

Well that ended that conversation. I had until noon until I had to do something. "Mark, wanna go get food?"

"Do I actually have a choice or are you going to drag me everywhere?" He asked.

I frowned. "Did you really not have a good time yesterday?"

"I would have preferred to be doing something else." Mark shrugged. "I don't know, studying maybe."

"Studying?" I scoffed. "Class started today what would you have been studying?"

"I-I don't know! Anything!" He huffed.

"Well I'm sorry that you didn't have fun." I sighed and rolled over so I was facing the wall. That had ruined my appetite enough, and that had made the conversation drop.


Third chapter ey.

I woke up and my mouth was really dry so I was probably drooling in my sleep lol. I do it sometimes not gonna lie.


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