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Jack: Sunday, 10 December

It's been far too long since I did things with Zara and not mentioned it to another living soul. I didn't really know what to do, I felt foul, and I felt myself betraying someone I actually cared about.

I sat in my room, glancing into a couple of textbooks when I looked up to see Mark enter the room, a couple of unknown people followed him inside. I sat up in disbelief and gave odd looks.

"Oh I didn't know Jack McLoughlin was your roommate." A blonde girl blinked a few times when she looked at me.

"Uh yeah." Mark replied. "Jack, this is Belle and Maria. Ladies, Jack."

"Hey.." I said quietly. "Nice to meet you."

"Wow he's not like I expected." This Belle girl whispered to Maria. She nodded slowly but didn't look at all impressed like Belle did. Maria's red hair was laid in large clean waves that looked like they were from the forties, but her stare was cold and she held herself in high regards. Her tight form-fitting black knee-length dress showed her thin frame and red pumps that matched her hair gave her edge to match her professional outfit.

"I don't know what you were really expecting, Belle." I said to the blonde opposite to Maria. Short and definitely representing some younger college student.

"No, he's exactly what I expected." Maria said and there was no pleasure to her tone. Just endless amounts of detest. Maria looked around the room, "I did expect it to be messier though."

"Hah well at least we got that going." Mark smiled. "Alright I got my books, Jack we're all just gonna go study. I'll see you later tonight, right?"

"Of course." I said. "I have no intentions to leave."

Mark smiled and nodded, he left the room and Belle followed but Maria lingered and glared at me. "What?" I asked her.

"I know you. I know what kind of person you are. I know your crime." Was all she said before walking out the door. She slammed it shut behind her.

I sat there without moving for a few more minutes before I got up and walked out the room, I banged on Zara's door and she opened the door. "Jack?"

"Who the fuck did you tell?" I snarled at her.

"What? No one?" Zara looked me up and down before peaking her head out in the hall before yanking me in the room and shutting the door.

"I think someone knows I don't know it was weird."


"Some girls just came into my room with Mark and one of them said some weird stuff that eluded to something." I said. "I've never seen her before, her name's Maria?"

"What?" Zara went wide eyed. "Stern? Red hair?"

"Yeah..? Do you know her? Did you tell her Zara!"

"No! She's my roommate."

I looked around the room and suddenly it was very obvious. It was tight, tidy, and everything was in perfect order. Notebooks and binders had her name on it, and in her closet was many business-official dresses hanging up.

"How does she know?"

"I don't know she shouldn't have been here.." Zara muttered. "Oh my gosh, Jack if she knows.."


"Well she'll have no problem going against you!" Zara said. "She'll ruin you, she'll ruin me!"

I ran a hand down my face. "Why did we have to do that? It was so stupid." Zara didn't say anything. "Does Elias know?"

"No, didn't mention it. Mark?"


Zara nodded her head slowly. "Well.. I don't know what we're supposed to do about Maria. She doesn't play any game sitting down. She'll find something to get out of you, and she'll get it."

I sighed. "Fuck." I muttered and rummaged through my head for answers. I took a deep breath and sat down. "I don't know what we're supposed to do, Zara."

"Did you really think it would work out with Mark anyways?"


"I don't know did you really think you had something with him?" Zara asked me.

"Uh..Yeah. I did. I mean once we got past all of the bad it would be okay, I don't know." I said. "Did you not feel that way about Elias?"

"I don't know a couple months ago we were madly devoted to one another, and now.. Well it doesn't feel that way." Zara said. "I don't know. He's so busy."

"Maybe he's cheating on you." I chuckled. "Imagine, you would be so upset if he did. Even if you did, you would still be upset about it." I took a deep breath. "Dammit Zara!"

"Whoa calm down."

"No! I fucked it all up by ever even putting my hands on you!" I was suddenly in her face, screaming and anyone could hear it. "I'm gonna lose the best thing to ever happen to me and it's all your fault!"

"It's not like you didn't want to!" Zara shouted at me and pushed on my shoulders. "Don't you dare blame me for this you pea-brained twat!"

"How many other guys have you bedded lately?" I snarled. "I can't believe you would even think that was a good idea."

"It's not just my fault! I'm not the victim!"

"I don't want to see you ever again.." I shook my head as I took steps away from Zara.

She looked me up and down like a sudden stroke of fear hit her. "..What?"

"Every time I see you, I just think of what we've done and I feel repulsed and scared of what I've done. I don't want to have my head race every time I see you."

Zara looked to the side. She walked towards the door and opened it. "Leave then." She told me. I walked through the frame and she looked up at me. "Believe me when I say that I'm not the one who will tear you apart - you can do that on your own." The door closed and I found myself in the hall and I looked to see some woman standing there glaring at me.

"Uh..hi?" I replied.

"R.A." She said. "The hell you doing in there?"

"Just arguing, I'm leaving now." I said. She looked me up and down and eventually let me go. I walked back to my room sighed.


Some guy on the floor below me is playing really loud music and it's literally thumping so I can't sleep so here we are.


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