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Mark: Wednesday, 23 November

"So, you are gay?" My mother asked again and I nodded my head. "Really?" I nodded a second time. "Why are you just telling me now?"

"I don't know I was nervous, I guess." I shrugged.

"I feel like a fool Mark." She told me with a glare. "You are twenty-one years old, and you never said one word about it."

"I.. I'm sorry." I paused.

"And you tell us by bringing home him?"

"You don't like him?"

"I don't like this situation."

"Why not?"

"You made me look stupid!" She snapped at me. "All this time I was expecting you to bring some girl with plans to marry and have kids - "

"I can still do that!"

"It's not going to be my grandchildren though." She huffed. "I look like a fool now."

"Why are you making this about you?" I asked. "I'm telling you now."

"Are you sure?" My father - who was stunned the whole time - finally spoke up.

"Yes, yes I'm sure!" I sighed. "I like him, I want to be with him. If you don't want me here anymore then I'll leave but please." I felt my eyes welling with tears.

"I'm not casting you out, I'm just upset with you right now." My mother replied to me.

"Why? Do you not.. Not care about me anymore? Cause I'm not who you thought I was?" I asked.

"Is that kid a bad influence?" My father asked.

"Jack? No no! Of course not." I sighed. "He's so sweet and wonderful, and I care for him and he cares for me. Please don't make this hard." I felt tears coming down my face as my mother stood and left the room.

My father followed her and I had no idea where this placed me, so I got up and left and when I went into my room, Jack was sitting on the end of my bed. He looked up and went wide eyed.

"What happened?" He asked as he stood and stepped towards me. I threw my arms around him and cried onto his shoulder. "Babe? Hey, what happened?" He pulled back on me and wiped my face. "What did they say?"

"I don't know my mom just kept saying I made her look like a fool." I sniffled as I pulled away from Jack but he held onto my arms. "I don't get it."

"Do you want to leave?" Jack asked me.

"No that won't solve anything." I muttered.

"How about you lay down?" Jack said quietly as he ran his hand through my hair. There was a couple of taps at the door that caused us to separate and the door opened. In came my mother and she gestured for Jack to follow her. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"I'm not gonna hurt him." My mother rolled her eyes. I released Jack and he willingly went with my mother.

I sat down on my bed and took a deep breath, I couldn't believe what happened. My family meant so much to me, and this is what happened. I had no idea on how to comprehend it. It, made me sick.

I laid down in the bed and tried to think of anything else besides the fact that Jack was out there talking to my mother. Anything would be better, but I couldn't. My mind just wandered back to the idea that something bad would happen.

I heard the door open and and Jack revealed himself as he walked back in. "What did she want?" I immediately asked. "What did she say?"

"Don't worry about, Mark." Jack said as he sat on the bed. "Just go to sleep, we can talk about it tomorrow when you wake up."

"What? No I wanna know." I continued to barrage him.

"We didn't even talk about you." Jack sighed.

"What did you talk about?"

"Me. We talked about me." Jack sighed. "Your mother wanted to know how many other guys I've dated and when I brought up the fact that I'm bisexual and not gay, she asked girls too."

"What is the answer to that question?" I asked.

"One and one." Jack said. "She was more interested in Wesley than she was any girlfriend I've ever had."

"What'd she ask about Wesley?" I asked.

"It's easier to say what she didn't ask," Jack sighed. "How long we dated, when we dated, when we broke up, what a gay relationship entails. Everything."

"Did you tell her what he did to you?"

"No, of course not." Jack rolled his eyes. "Why would I? I mean I could've but I don't know her and I was barely comfortable with telling you."

Part of me kind of thought it might have been a good idea to mention it to her. After all, it might make her see how much Jack needs someone. He needs me and I need him, why can't she see that we're reliant on one another?

Then I had another thought.

What would happen if one day, Jack and I weren't reliant on one another? Would we care about the other enough to stay? When he didn't need my comfort and I didn't need his company, would we still want to be with one another? Would we fight, did she just suspect Jack is not the right one for me? Was she going to be right?

I turned my head to Jack and I saw him looking at me with soulful blue eyes. There was something about him that made me reconsider what I just said. There would never be a time where I wouldn't want eyes like that in my life.

"Everything alright?" Jack asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, yeah I guess so. I mean it's not gonna get better right away. I should probably just sleep on it."

"Do you want me to sleep with you?" Jack asked. I nodded my head and allowed him to climb into my adolescent bed. I laid with my head on his chest and held tightly around his waist. The gentle rise and fall of his chest was enough to have me fall asleep pretty quickly.


Boom bam. Another one.

I promise I'll update more books too, I just feel like transition wise this was the easiest one to go into.

I also have been having a lot of moments lately where the things I care about don't seem of value anymore and I really hope it doesn't impact anything I'm writing. It's just a difficult series of events I suppose. I'll make it so don't worry, I always do. Also I don't mean to complain this is just one of the few spaces I rant so don't feel like you're obligated or anything.


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