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Mark: Friday, 15 September

"Are you going out tonight?" I asked the green haired boy as I pulled a t-shirt over my head.

"Probably." Jack shrugged from his bed. "Did you want to come?"

I fake gasped excitement. "I'm invited this time."

Jack rolled his eyes at me. "I know, leaving you here on a Friday night as an asshole thing for me to do. Yeah, you can come."

I thought about it. I had a big test on Monday and therefore could spend quite a bit of time studying. It was always so hard to study with Jack here because he always was doing something to be a distraction.

Maybe it was best I didn't go, I mean, I didn't really feel like getting wasted all over again. Besides, who was going to be the designated driver? Would it be me? Is that why Jack wanted me to go?

"I don't know I have a test on Monday." I said.

"Uh.. So?" Jack scoffed. "You have Saturday and Sunday to study for it."

"Yeah but studying with you in the room is hard." I admitted. Jack looked a little confused.

"I'll leave you alone, promise." Jack told me but I had a feeling he was lying. I also had a feeling that it didn't bother me if he was or not. "You know, I read somewhere that you can die if you study too much."

"Really?" I asked and when a smirk crept onto Jack's face I knew he was lying. "Ugh, don't be stupid."

"I'm serious though you should go, you'll have a lot of fun. Last time you had a lot of fun." Jack told me. "Besides, all of your friends will be there!"

"By my friends you mean your friends." I rolled my eyes. "If it wasn't for you I would never talk to them and if you weren't my roommate I wouldn't talk to you at all."

"Wait.." Jack laughed nervously. "Have you not made any friends since you've got here?" I shook my head.

"Doesn't bother me, I'm not trying to make friends I'm trying to get an education." I shrugged.

"Mark, you should really try to make friends whether or not you're here to learn anyways. There's a lot of good that can come from having friends and I highly recommend you go and try." Jack explained. "So while your in class today, go and talk to some kids and just get to know them. You won't regret it. Trust me, there's a lot better people out there than myself."

I smiled a little as I chuckled and spoke. "That I am well aware of."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well you better get to class, loser. You'll be late otherwise."

I nodded and left the room, heading down the hall to my classroom I kept what Jack said in mind. Making friends, walking into my classroom though, it seemed like the last thing on my mind. Everyone had already inserted them in their social groups and therefore it seemed pointless for me to disturb the balance.

So I sat off by myself in the corner farthest from where the professor sat.

Therefore, class wasn't any different than normal and I left completely disregarding what Jack had told me to consider. Maybe I regretted it a little too.

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