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Jack: Saturday, 31st January

Something felt weird about today, and not just the fact that it was cold and dreary which was ironic to my current life. But I don't know, something was off.

I had picked up Chinese food for Mark and I. I got a little card too for him and I was gonna stick it under his pillow when I left very early tomorrow morning. Technically, I had until March to get my grades up but I figured it was pointless. Without Mark's help, it wasn't going anywhere.

I walked into the room and gasped and dropped the food when I saw Mark, hanging from the ceiling.

"Mark? Mark!?" I shouted. I rushed over and stood on the nearby box and practically had to jump to untie the rope. When I did we fell in a mangled pile.

I flipped Mark over onto his back, "Mark? Mark please.. Please wake up please.." I was full sobbing at this point. "Mark please, don't do this to me don't you dare!"

And like he was working on command, he woke up, coughing and his face twisted in pain. He opened his eyes to see me looking down at him, glaring.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I immediately shouted and he seemed completely shocked. "What is wrong with you!? D-Do you have any.." I sniffled and my voice cracked. "Do you have any idea how much you scared me?" My voice became hushed and broken. "You stupid, stupid, stupid.."

Mark hadn't said a word. He just let me sob. He looked very emotionless — empty.

"I'm gonna take you to the hospital." I said.

"Wha —" Mark's voice was hoarse and sounded damaged when he went to argue. So he didn't put up much of a fight. Instead, he complied when I helped him off the floor.

We walked to my car and drove in silence, I kept muttering nonsense and tears never ceased to fall.

I brought him to the emergency room and they were just as shocked as I was. A few minutes and Mark was administered to a room. I was forced to wait outside.

So I sat and I filled out some paper work until the nurse decided she didn't want my tear stains all over it and offered me a box of tissues and a small piece of chocolate.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"Jack, Jack, Jack," I turned my eyes to see someone I didn't know. "You went from Jack the panty dropper to pulling up your own panties, huh?"

My eyes grew wide. Here? Now?

"What're you doing here? Trying to check yourself in? You're at the wrong place, the crazy house is down the street."

"Why..?" I said quietly. "Why are you bothering me, I'm sitting here minding my own business, I'm clearly upset why are you bothering me? I don't even know you!"

"Is there a problem over here?" The lady who took the paperwork asked.

"No Miss." The guy who attacking me said.

"Mr. McLoughlin, follow me." The lady said. She guided me to Mark's room and when I looked at him laying on the bed looking up at the ceiling, I noticed the bruising around his neck in a perfect ring.

The lady left and I walked towards Mark.

"Why'd you do it?" He asked, I found myself stunned. Why did I do what?


"Why did you sleep with Zara?" He asked. It wasn't the question that I thought but it was there.

I took a deep breath. "I don't know." I shook my head. "I know that's not the answer you want, and it's not the answer I want either.. But.. It's the answer. I don't know. It happened and I can't take it back."

"What're you gonna do now?" Mark asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"You and Zara gonna move into a house with a picket white — "

"Alright stop yourself right there." I told Mark. "No, I'm not. I don't want to be with Zara. Sure, I'll be present in this child's life and everything and Zara and I are gonna have to discuss it, but I have no intentions of having a perfect life with Zara."

Mark said nothing, he just looked off. "Mark?"


"Did you.. Do this because of me?"

"No." Mark shook his head. "It's my own fault."

"What makes you say that?" I asked as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I ruined my own life. All I had left was you and I got rid of you." Mark said and it stunned me a little but I let him continue. "I told everyone."

"Told everyone?"

"Your secret. I'm the one who told them." Mark said. He turned his head to me. "You don't look mad."

"I knew it was you." I shrugged. "I'm not mad about it, honestly it's alright. It doesn't matter much I'm not staying here."

"You knew it was me?" Mark asked.

"It was you or Wesley and it just made more sense for it to be you." I said. "I'm not mad though."

Mark nodded his head a little. "Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"No." Mark shook his head. "No, I'm not."

"What do you expect to do now, Mark?" I asked.

"Go back to school, I guess."

"That's not gonna happen."


"Well, when someone attempts suicide, they place you in a mental health facility." I said. "To make you better."

"What!?" Mark's eyes went wide and he sat up. "I don't want to go there don't let them bring me there!"

"It's not really a choice Mark." I said. "That's what they do. It's supposed to help you."

"No, no we're leaving now we're leaving."

"No stay —"

Mark, in his panicked state, began to rip off wires, bandages, anything that was attached to him and when he ripped off the IV blood began to squirt out of his arm and of course, landed on me.

I gasped a little and thought I would faint as my breathing picked up. Mark covered his arm with his hand and a nurse rushed in, ushered me out into the hall and fixed Mark up.

I had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.


I feel like this chapter was not my best work. Also I've decided to extend the book by five chapters so that's cool. But I'm gonna provide you with some facts:

The purpose of a noose is to snap your neck, if it is not properly adjusted for your weight — you choke instead and it can take like ten minutes or something like that to explain why Mark didn't die.

In the United States, in many places (if not all) it is illegal to kill yourself. I know that sounds like a stupid law because what are they gonna do, but essentially it gives officials the power to place you in a mental health rehabilitation center without your consent. So that's a thing.

Anyways that's that. I'm going to be putting up some book ideas for what I'm gonna write next in my "about the author" thing, you guys can check it out and vote. Also if you have suggestions you can send them to me directly or do whatever with them. I'm also thinking of listing a bunch of themes/scenarios/basic plot lines and you can like mix and match them. I don't know what exactly I want to write next so this'll help. That'll go up later today so keep a lookout.

Anyways that's all the bs I got.


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