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Jack: Saturday, 2 December

I sat in a room with some people I vaguely knew, with a hand on a drink that was once cold, but at this point in time, it was room temperature, and I hadn't even taken a sip.

"What are you doing here?" I looked up to see Felix.

"I've been here for a while, and if you're just now noticing me, then there's a different issue." I said to him and only at this point took my first sip.

"How's it going?" Felix asked me as he placed himself on the dirty sofa next to me.

I shrugged, my life had it's ups and downs, and right now it was down. Mark had a smoking problem, Wesley's mother was dying, I lost my best friend it seemed, and I was so far away from home it seemed unreal. But I was not at the breaking point yet, I know I would be better for it.

"I wanted to talk to you, but when I went to your room, you weren't there. Only Wesley was." I said.

"Wesley didn't tell me that you were there." Felix told me immediately and I found myself a little stunned. "Weird, maybe he just forgot."

"Maybe, I was only in there for like thirty seconds." I lied. I didn't know if Felix was telling the truth or if he was just saying that to avoid some sort of punishment, either way I didn't care. I was trying not to start a problem.

"Well, what did you want?" Felix asked.

I shrugged. "I don't rightfully know now. But I do have a concern that maybe you'd be willing to hear about."

Felix's demeanor immediately changed, suddenly he was in friend-mode, and he wanted to be of assistance. "How about we step outside?"

I nodded, and followed Felix out into the cold air, it was practically freezing. The wind was howling sharp notes, and I could see my breath blow in front of my face. We stopped in front of some hedges, and Felix waited for me to begin talking. "Mark has a smoking problem."


"No.. At least I don't think so. I was talking about cigarettes." I told Felix and he went wide.

"Mr. Study-Bug has a tobacco issue?"

"I guess so, he says it's good for his stress."

"Then who cares?" Felix asked. "Look, I'm sure Mark knows that it's bad for him, he's not stupid. Besides, stress makes people do some crazy things, and if that helps him to remain unstressed, then what does it matter?"

I blinked a few times, I couldn't believe Felix was saying this to me. "It's disgusting and it will kill him."

"Eh, he'll be alright. There's no point in harassing him, it won't help." Felix told me. I stared at him in disbelief; placed my cup down on the table and stood to remove myself.

"Hey where are you going?" Felix asked.

"You can't sit here and condone smoking, and if you do I'm not about to sit here and listen to it." I said and headed for the door.

I heard Felix snap my name and stopped in my tracks, my hands in fists. "You were always wrong."

"What?" I turned around to see him red in the face. "Wrong about what?"

"I sat around and believed you were some Saint, but no. You're not any better than the rest of us." Felix snarled. "You act like you're so innocent, so docile, but you're not. You've made all the same mistakes that we have. You make mistake day after day and do you realize what that mistake is?"

"I don't know."

"You turn your back." Felix glared at me as he began moving towards me. "When you disagree, or when things get hard, you turn around and you shut everyone away. You make them the villains in your story, but in reality you're the worst. Instead of trying to understand someone else, you immediately assume you are the best there is. You are worse than a villain. You manipulate people to think you're so amazing, and when someone like Mark goes through a rough time, and he picks up a bad habit, instead of saying 'hey Mark, lets get to the bottom of this, help the issue at the root' you stop and immediately give an ultimatum."

I had no idea what to say, I was no bad guy, but suddenly Felix was posing me as one and it was.. well hard to swallow.

"If you're gonna abandon Mark to his devices, then go on and do it. We all know that's what you do with everyone." Felix sighed.

"What did Wesley tell you?"

"That everything he did to you was true." Felix said. "This isn't about him."

I was stunned that he admitted it. But now was Felix expecting me to say there was something wrong with me? There wasn't. "You were the one who turned their back on me! Not the other way around!" My shouting has immediately gained the attention of the somewhat drunk party goers.

"Hey you're causing a scene - "

"You abandoned me!"

"Now you're twisting the story!" Felix snapped at me.

I looked him dead in the eyes, before reaching up and slapping him across the face. It got shock from a few, but others encourages it. I turned and headed for the door, and Felix didn't dare to follow me out.

I was not about to take the fall for which was none of my fault. I stormed down the street and when I went to cross found myself a deer in headlights. Frozen as the car skidded to a stop, inches away from my legs, I didn't dare to move as the driver got out of the car but the blinding headlights masked them to me.



Hey I'm on a train! I went home for the weekend and now I'm taking a train back to my school. To be honest I missed my dorm so much and the train is very nice I recommend it.


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