01 ; bitten

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Elise trudged through the woods next to her brother, shining her phones light on the forest ground to help them find their way out. Stiles had been caught by his father, the sheriff, while Elise and Scott had remained hidden behind a pair of trees. The upside was that they wouldn't get reprimanded for trespassing into the Beacon Hills Preserve; the downside was that they were shit out of luck.

Stiles had been their ride to the preserve, and the siblings were certain that their friend had been sent home by his father. That meant that Scott and Elise were stuck without a way home, in middle of the woods where a body was just discovered.

"Wait a minute," Elise paused, tugging her younger brother's sleeve, "I think I've seen this tree before. Like seventeen times."

"That's not funny, El," Scott sighed, turning around. His breath fogged the air in front of his face- it was an unusually cold night for the southern Californian town.

"Who said I was joking?" Elise groaned, looking around. "We are totally lost right now."

A pair of birds took flight from one of the trees nearby as Scott raised his inhaler. Suddenly, the cracking of branches caught Elise's attention, and she turned her head just in time to see over half a dozen deer sprinting from the trees to the sibling's right. They both jumped out of the way just as the herd came rushing through the path, barely able avoid being crushed.

Elise shouted out in pain when her ankle caught on an upturned root, causing her to fall to the ground. "Damn," she groaned once the deer had disappeared, gripping her leg tightly. "You alright?"

"Yeah," Scott said, his hands searching the ground in a way that reminded Elise of Velma looking for her glasses in Scooby-Doo. "I just dropped my inhaler."

Elise pushed herself to her feet, ignoring the spark of pain when she put pressure on her twisted ankle. At least, she hoped that it was only twisted. That would be fun to explain to Mom, Elise thought as she ducked to the ground to help her brother.

She trained her light on the ground, moving it in circles around them. "It shouldn't be-" Elise as cut off her her light exposed something dreadful on the ground at her feet.

On the ground, surrounded by leaves, was the top, lifeless half of a woman. Her eery, glassed-over staring up at the stars. Elise yelped in terror, jumping away from the corpse and knocking into Scott, causing them both to stumble backward, neither of them noticing the lack of ground behind them until they were tumbling down the hill.

Elise groaned- that fall really did not help the pain in her ankle. She shuffled across the woodland floor toward her brother, whom she had heard hit his head on the fall. "You good?" she asked him for the second time in a span of about five minutes. Hey, on the plus side, how can things get any shittier?

Scott's reply was cut off by a low deep growl, and the siblings head's turned in unison to see a large, dog-like creature several yards away. The moonlight reflected eerily from it's eyes, turning them a deep crimson red.

Elise froze, her grip on her brother's arm tightening. Oh, you just had to go and jinx it, didn't you, Elise, she thought.

Elise hoped that the beast would just ignore them, but that didn't seem to be the case, as it lunged forward. "Run!" Scott screamed, pulling Elise to her feet.

The beast was much faster than either of them, and before either sibling could so much as move a muscle, it had tackled Scott, swiftly knocking Elise back to the ground.

She felt her hands fumble for something to use as a weapon as Scott screamed, desperately trying to escape from where he was pinned beneath the creature. Elise's hand closed around a stick nearly the size of one of her arms, and swung out blindly.

Elise felt the branch snap as it connected with the animal's face. The creature retreated just enough for Scott to scramble out from beneath it. Elise jumped to her feet, pushing her brother in front of her as they ran. For whatever reason that Elise wasn't concerned with, the monster didn't seem interested in following.

So, here we go! My Derek Hale story begins! I am so excited for this, and I hope you'll like it. (I know that I'm terrible at story introductions, but bear with me)

Feedback is more than appreciated <3

Words: 774

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