04 ; locker room squabbles

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Elise sat watching the lacrosse players. No matter how hard she had tried, she couldn't get her mind off of last night. 

After she had learned of Derek's apparent involvement in the murder, she had practically dove out of his Camaro and ran all the way to her house. Okay, so it was more like she made up some totally believable excuse like 'I have to feed my cat, Marcos.' and waited until Derek stopped the car to get out. She then spent the next half hour waiting for Stiles to pick her up so that they could search for Scott together. (Which, by the way, took all night, and she was now on the brink falling asleep on the metal bleachers).

Elise liked the bogus version of her story better, it sounded more badass. She didn't even have a cat. As a matter of fact, she was allergic to them, and if Derek really was a werewolf, he probably would have been able to tell that she was lying. 

Something else was bugging her more than her idiotic lie, though. If he was a psychotic murderer that had chopped a girl in half, why hadn't he killed her? He had the perfect opportunity to do it- and definitely plenty of reasons. So why was she still breathing?

Elise was snapped from her daze by a cry of pain from the field. The brunette looked up to see a large group forming around an injured player. She caught the name on the back of the injured player's jersey as he rocked on the ground, cradling his injured arm: Whittemore. 

Her attention shifted to the pair of players huddled away from the group. 

Without hesitation, she sprinted from the bleachers and to the far side of the field, where Stiles stood, gripping Scott's arms. 

"It's happening," her brother mumbled. 

"Really? Here? Now?" Elise questioned. She didn't need an answer- Scott's eyes were already shifted to a burning yellow. The brunette looked around desperately for a place that Scott could hide. "There," she ordered, wrapping an arm around her brother as the trio headed for the locker rooms. 


Elise eased her gasping brother onto the nearest bench as Stiles pulled the door shut after them and locked it. "Scott, breathe," she instructed, "Are you okay?" 

"Get away from me!" Scott screamed, his voice coming out as a deep growl. Elise jumped back, diving behind a set of lockers as Stiles scrambled in the other direction. 

She could hear her brother chasing his friend on the other side of the locker room. Her muscles tensed as she looked for anything to use. She resisted the urge to curl into a ball and hide under one of the benches, instead pulling a fire extinguisher from the wall and running in the direction of the boys. 

Scott had cornered Stiles, a low growl emanating from the floppy-haired boy. "Scott!" Elise shouted, drawing her brother's attention. He turned around, and Elise swung the fire extinguisher into his gut. 

Her brother collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. She pressed herself against the brick wall, her breathing hitched and uneven. She grimaced as the extinguisher rolled past her feet- she knew Scott would heal, but she didn't like the feeling of possibly breaking her little brother's ribs.

"What just happened?" Scott groaned from the ground, clutching his stomach. 

"You tried to kill us," Stiles snapped as he helped Elise get Scott onto his feet. "Just like I said before, your anger-it's a trigger."

"But that's lacrosse, it's a violent game."

"Maybe you shouldn't play," Elise hinted, knowing that Scott wouldn't agree to the idea. "At least until we can find a way for you to control the change."

"I'm first line," Scott protested, shaking his head.

"Not anymore."


Sorry for the extremely short update, but I promise next chapter is going to be super long to make up for it!
Words: 666


Feedback is more than appreciated <3

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