12 ; keeping secrets

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Elise let her eyes wander the dark chemistry room as Jenessa led her over to one of the lab tables, next to the door where everyone was waiting anxiously for Scott's return. group. After making it to the second floor and managing to hide in the classroom, Scott had announced his plan of venturing out alone to search for the janitor's body and get his keys. Everyone disagreed with the plan- except for Scott. It was a small comfort for Elise to know that Lydia had at least prepared him with a makeshift fire-bomb, but what good would that do against an Alpha?

"All of this blood is freaking me out," Jenessa muttered, dabbing at her friend's cheek with a tissue. 

"At least you're not the one covered in it," Elise replied blankly. The sudden lull in action caused all of the adrenaline coursing through Elise's veins from running from the Alpha to shrink away, and all she could think about was her little brother wandering the school alone to look for a dead body. Dead body. The image of Derek's limp body laying in the grass outside of the school flashed before her eyes, making her breath hitch. Why did the possibility of his death bother her so much? It wasn't as if they were close- they barely knew each other.

"Hey, Jen, was there anyone outside when you showed up?" she found herself asking. The blonde shook her head, remaining focused on dabbing the red splatters from her cheeks. She had a frown drawn across her lips, a dark change from her usual bubbly grin.

"What is it?" Elise asked. Sure, being trapped in an empty school with a murdering maniac would sour anyone's mood, but Jenessa was the kind of person that always lightened the mood. The brunette had grown to be able to tell when her best friend was upset. 

"Nothing," Jenessa shrugged. 

"You're being really quiet."

"Everyone's being quiet. There's a killer somewhere in the halls. It's common sense."

"You know what I mean," Elise groaned. 

Jenessa dropped the tissue and sighed. "You've been lying to me."

"What? No, I-"

"Let me finish," Jenessa ran a hand through her blonde curls, "I really wouldn't mind, everyone has secrets- it's just that your secrets seem to be really dangerous. I mean, just a few days ago you were leaving the school with Derek Hale and now you guys are saying he's a serial killer?"

"It's complicated," Elise groaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose in exhaustion. 

"And you're still keeping things from me. Listen, Elise, I'm already involved. A killer sent me a text saying it was from you," Jenessa hissed under her breath. "Is there really a point in keeping me in the dark any longer?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," the brunette shook her head. It was true. Elise, herself, still had trouble believing that werewolves and Alphas and who-knows-what-else actually existed. 

"How do you know that?" Jenessa demanded, drawing attention from the rest of the group. 

"Listen, can we do this later? Once we aren't being stalked by a killing maniac?" Elise begged, her hazel eyes pleading. She hadn't even thought about involving Jenessa in what was going on with Scott, but now that she considered it, Elise realized that having her friend by her side didn't sound like such a bad thing. No, Elise scolded herself. It would be selfish to drag Jenessa into the messy world of supernatural things that the brunette had gotten herself tangled in. 

"Fine," Jenessa huffed, her blue eyes burning with a rage Elise rarely saw. She didn't understand why Jenessa was so upset. If something so little as a text could result in her best friend getting trapped in a building with a deranged killer, then imagine what could happen if Jenessa knew the whole story. Elise knew that the blonde would want to help- but that would probably get her killed. There was no way Elise would let that happen. Besides, she thought, it's not my story to tell.

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