06 ; big game

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Elise leaned between the two front seats in Stiles' Jeep, watching over Scott's shoulder as he scrolled through his phone for information. "I can't find anything on using wolfsbane for burial," her brother sighed. 

"Keep looking," Stiles insisted. 

"Maybe it's a kind of burial rite," Elise suggested, leaning back into her seat and popping a piece of gum into her mouth. "Like, a ritual that you learn from another werewolf- not something they write down."

 "I'll put it on my To-Do List," Scott grunted, "Right below figuring out how I'm going to play in this game tonight."

"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves..." Stiles trailed off. 

"Stop it!" Scott yelled, "Stop talking! Stop saying 'werewolf'; stop enjoying this so much!"

"Scott," Elise moved forward, placing a hand on his shoulder, "are you okay?"

"No," he hissed as sweat dripped from his brow, "I am so far from 'okay'."

"Stiles," Elise warned, "maybe you should pull over."


"I can't breath!" Scott exclaimed, digging his hands into the sides of his seat. Elise caught a fleeting glimpse of what looked like a flower in Stiles' backpack as the jeep swerved over a bump in the road. She pulled open the bag, revealing the vine of wolfsbane. 

"You kept it?" She growled as Stiles finally stopped the car. Elise jumped out of the Jeep and flung the bag as far as she could into the wilderness. She didn't move her eyes from the backpack until she saw it land in a mass of bushes far from the car.  

"Oh come on," Stiles groaned from where he stood next to Elise. "I liked that bag."

"Boo-hoo, I'll buy you a new one," Elise rolled her eyes as she turned back to the car. The passenger door was swinging openly on its hinges, and Scott was nowhere to be seen. "Um, Stiles, we might have a slight problem."


Elise weaved her way through the crowded bleachers. The field was crowded with parents and students that had shown up to support both teams. "What's the plan?" She asked as she dropped onto the player's bench next to Stiles. 

"What makes you think I have a plan?" He raised a brow at the brunette. 

"Well, you always have a plan," She shrugged and gave him a look as if to say 'duh'. It was true. Stiles was always the one with a plan- even when it didn't make sense to have one. 

"Alright," he sighed, deep in thought. "Alright, step one: wing it."

"Oh, what would we do without your excellent mind?" Elise rolled her eyes sarcastically and nudged the boy playfully with her shoulder. "I guess we just have to keep Scott away from the crowd if something happens. Especially from Allison's dad." According to Scott, Mr. Argent had attacked him on the night of the full moon along with a group of men that Derek had called 'hunters'.

Stiles nodded as a voice bellowed in Elise's ears, "McCall! This bench is for players!"

Elise looked over her shoulder to see Coach Finstocks face. "Yes, Coach," she groaned as she slid off of the bench. Her eyes scanned the bleachers for her mother as she walked. She caught the glimpse of a sign reading 'Jackson is number one'. Brutal, she thought as she saw the arms holding the sign lead to Lydia Martin and Allison. That sign definitely wasn't going to help Scott keep control during the game. 


"All right, so, I'll see you at home?" Melissa McCall asked her daughter, who was leaning through the car window to talk to her Mom. 

"Yeah, I won't be too long, I just have some people I need to talk to- you know, homework stuff," Elise lied. She needed to stay to make sure Scott didn't kill anyone, but she doubted that was something she should let her mother know. 

"You? Doing your homework? Before its due?" Melissa gasped, placing her hand over her heart in mock surprise. 

"Don't get used to it," her daughter chuckled, pulling away from the car, "Bye, Mom."

Her mother waved before pulling out of the high school parking lot. As Elise turned back to the school, Stiles came running toward her. "Elise! You have to hear this!" He panted, bracing his hands on his knees as he caught his breath. "I overheard my Dad on the phone-"

"Do you ever give that man any privacy?" Elise questioned. 

"No, but that's not the point. Derek is out of jail."

"Did he break out?" Elise asked as the horrible feeling from the night they found the body beginning to settle into her stomach for the second time.

"No. The coroner report said her cause of death was an animal attack. Derek isn't an animal..." Stiles trailed off, hoping she understood. 

"Derek was let out of jail," she nodded, glancing around the now empty lot. "We need to find Scott. Now."


Elise pulled Stiles behind a set of lockers, not wanting to be seen by Scott and Allison- and more specifically, to wanting to see Scott and Allison. "What was that for?" Stiles hissed under his breath, rubbing his arm where the brunette had grabbed him. 

"I don't feel like watching my little brother make out with someone," Elise rolled her eyes. In her opinion, the boy's locker room was nowhere near romantic, but, hey, to each their own.

"Stiles, Elise," Allison nodded, walking past the two. Her cheeks were burning with embarrassment as Elise offered an awkward wave. 

Scott walked toward the pair, a dorky grin plastered on his face. "I kissed her," he gleamed. 

"We saw," Elise grimaced

"She kissed me!"

"We saw that too, sadly."

"I don't know how, but I controlled it. I pulled it back," Scott said, referring to his abilities. "I mean, maybe I can do it. Maybe being this way isn't so bad."

"Yeah," Stiles nodded. "Right, well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news..."


"The medical examiner," Elise took over, "Well, they looked at the other half of the body. They determined the cause of death to be an animal, not human."

"So, they let Derek go?" Scott asked, his eyes widening. 

"Yep," Stiles groaned. "And here's the worst part: they I.D-ed the dead girl. She's Laura Hale. She was Derek's sister."


I don't really have much to say about this chapter other than shit is about to go down. I'm excited. Also, more Derek soon. Oh, and Happy New Year.

Feedback is more than appreciated <3

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