19 ; red-head running rampant

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Elise hadn't even bothered to exchange her dress for more comfortable attire before collapsing onto her bed. Luckily, her mother had been working late at the hospital that night, so she hadn't noticed when her children returned at near midnight, covered in dirt and bruises.

Despite the exhaustion weighing in on her, Elise couldn't find sleep. Her mind continued to trail back to Derek. He for some reason seemed concerned with her well-being, yet he also only appeared to make moves that would help himself. She could see where he was coming from- if it had been her in his shoes, and Scott whom Peter had killed, she strongly doubted that she would have cared about anyone else's needs over her own craving for revenge.

That didn't make his betrayal hurt any less, though.

Someone cleared their throat at the foot of her bed, making her jump. She flicked on the lamp switch, illuminating the figure of Derek Hale. Her eyes narrowed as she appraised him. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were alright."

"Well, I am just peachy keen," she hissed. She wanted to slap herself for the way her heart skipped a beat when he had voiced his concern. "So you can leave now."

"Elise, I need to talk to you," he sighed, not showing any signs that he planned on leaving. "Listen-"

"I told you to leave," she scowled, moving to open the window. She was stopped when Derek finally moved, wrapping his hand around her wrist just as she reached the window. The vice tightened around her chest once again as she felt his breath on the back of her neck. She spun around, ready to push him away before her eyes caught his green ones.

Every reason she had to make him leave seemed to melt away as the warmth radiating from his skin warmed her from the chilly winter night. Her hand rested on his chest, still poised to push him away, yet her muscles didn't want to comply. "Elise, please-"

The brunette cut him off, finding herself leaning closer to him. She felt her own lips brush against his, barely more than a ghost of a kiss until he, too, leaned in. She moved her hand from his chest and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, closing what little distance was left between them. Her fingers found themselves tangled in his hair as his hands gripped her waist.

The pair stumbled away from the window, moving in no particular direction until the backs of Elise's legs hit the edge of her desk, halting them once again. The sound of things being knocked from her desk due to the impact didn't phase either of them.

Their lips moved in unison, his surprisingly soft against her own. All of her anger seemingly evaporated at his very touch, until all of a sudden it came flooding back.

What the hell am I doing? Elise pushed back from Derek, stumbling away as if he'd burned her.

"Elise," he whispered, holding his arm out as if he wanted to touch her but was afraid of what she'd do if he did. She looked up again, her eyes finding that the emotionless mask he'd always wore had slipped away. The vulnerability in his eyes was nearly enough to make her forgive him.

"No," Elise said, her voice surprisingly firm. "Derek, do you have any idea what you've done? My little brother will have a target painted on his back for the rest of his life! You took away his only chance of a cure."

"No, I didn't," Derek said. He averted his eyes, casting them to the ground.

Elise gasped, "But... you said-"

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