bonus + sequel

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A/N: so before i get these short bonus chapters going i'd like to tell you guys that the sequel to 'Symmetry' is going to be out next monday! It's going to be titled 'Control' and i'm so excited for you guys to see it!!

(also can we appreciate that brilliant gif???)


"I'm not sure I've got the right place," Elise confessed into the speaker of her phone as she pulled up to the spot where Derek's apartment was meant to be. She looked up quizzically at the old apartment complex from inside her car. The emtire parking lot was empty of other cars, too. 


"Well for starters, there are no windows," she chuckled, eyeing the places where it looked as if windows once were. It appeared as if they'd all been knocked out or simply fell into disrepair.

She could hear his laughter on the other end of the line before he replied. "Well, I guess it does need a little fixing up," he confessed. "It looks better on the inside, I promise."

"Okay, but I have one question first," Elise chimed as she climbed out of her car and started toward the building. "Have you been a serial killer this entire time and this is just you luring me into a trap?"

"I'll see you inside," he laughed, hanging up the phone just as Elise neared the door. She grabbed the handle, sliding the heavy door open, earing a cry of protest from the metal entrance as she did so. There didn't seem to be a sign of anyone or anything entering the warehouse in the past decade. A set of stairs on the far side of the warehouse led up to what seemed to be a second level, so the brunette began to ascend the steep stairs.

Upon reaching the top, she slid open another door, revealing a cleaned space, decorated rather simply with a couch and a table. She wandered in, finding that a few rooms stemmed off into what Elise assumed to be expansions of the original living space. A bed sat in the corner, only slightly sectioned off by metal beams. A spiral staircase in the opposite corner led to what Elise could only guess was a third floor.

"Derek?" Elise called as she wandered into the warehouse. The simplicity of the decorations definitely seemed like something Derek would have, yet he was nowhere to be found. She pulled out her phone, preparing to call him. Maybe I really am in the wrong place, she thought, dialing his number.

Suddenly, a noise sounded from directly behind Elise, making her jump away in shock. She spun around, finding Derek standing right behind her. "Were you trying to give me a heart attack?" she exclaimed, though a smile was beginning to sneak it's way onto her features when she heard Derek's laughter. "I almost punched you in the face."

"Oh, really?" Derek chuckled.

"I still might," Elise joked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, planting a light kiss on her lips.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"I like it," Elise grinned. "Do you have neighbors?"

Derek shook his head. "I bought the entire complex." Elise stared at him, eyebrows quirked upward in disbelief. He let out a light laugh before changing the subject. "So, did you hear back from that art school you were looking into?"

Elise shook her head. "I missed the application deadline. I was busy, you know, trying to stop Kanimas and such." When she caught the sympathetic look he was giving her, she sighed. "Listen, it's fine. Plenty of people take gap years. Mine just won't be on purpose," she explained, pulling away from him and taking a seat on the couch. "Besides, maybe I can use all of my new spare time to figure out how to control my... well, whatever they're called." Elise still didn't feel comfortable calling them "powers"; It made her feel like a cheesy superhero and calling them "abilities" felt strange, too.

Derek took a seat next to her, and she leaned her head on his shoulder as her eyes scanned the loft. "Speaking of art, you could use some color on these walls. I know this really nice place downtown that sells the coolest paintings."

"I'd rather you paint them," Derek said, earning a smile from the brunette.

(it's 1202 am where I am, so it's technically monday so I'm technically still sticking to my update schedule. I just couldn't wait to get these final chapters out to you guys!!!)

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