10 ; it suits you

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"Okay, put this on," Stiles instructed, handing Scott a strap. 

"Isn't this one of Coach's heart monitor things that he uses for the track team?" Scott questioned. 

"Yeah," Stiles nodded, "I borrowed it."

"He stole it," Elise corrected from where she was lounging in the bleachers. Stiles had come up with a last minute plan to keep Scott from going to Derek Hale. If Elise were being honest, she didn't really see what was so bad about going to Derek for help. After all, he had been a werewolf a lot longer than Scott and probably knew a hell of a lot more about learning control than Stiles did. 

"Temporarily misappropriated," Stiles corrected, pulling a phone out of his pocket. "Coach uses this to monitor his heart rate while he jogs, so you're going to wear it for the rest of the day."

"Wait," Scott chuckled slightly, "Isn't that Coach's phone?"

"Oh, yeah. I stole that," Stiles nodded. "Anyway, you're going to wear this because when your heart rate goes up, you shift. When you're playing lacrosse, when you're with Allison, and whenever you get angry. Maybe learning control comes side-by-side with learning your heart rate."

"Like the Hulk?"

"Exactly," Elise chimed. 


"You know, this isn't exactly how I wanted to spend my free period," Scott groaned as Stiles finished restricting the floppy haired boy's arms with duct tape. Elise didn't have the same free period as the boys, but she wanted to be there to help, so she opted for ditching her English class. 

"Alright," Stiles muttered, ignoring Scott's comment. "Now, remember, don't get angry."

Elise pressed the button to begin tracking Scott's heart rate. She watched as his heart rate climbed slowly with each time he was pelted with a ball by Stiles. 

"You know," Stiles laughed, "I think my aim might be improving."

"I wonder why," Scott grunted, and Elise watched on the phone as his heart rate rose. 

"Focus on your heart rate, Scott," she called out from where she was still lounging on the metal bleachers. She had somehow found a way to arrange herself that was comfortable, and she did not plan on moving.

"Stop for a minute," Scott called out. Stiles must not have heard him, as he continued throwing things at him. Scott suddenly dropped to his knees as an alarm sounded from the phone. Elise watched as his heart rate skyrocketed. 

"Scott?" she said, climbing up from her position on the bleachers and moving toward her brother slowly. He gasped and broke the restraints on his arms, digging his fingers into the earth beneath him. 

When Scott finally managed to catch his breath, he rolled onto his back. "You started to change," Stiles stated. 

"It was from the anger," Scott huffed, "But it was more than that. It was like the angrier I felt, the stronger I got."

"Then it is the anger, Derek was right."

"I can't be around Allison," Scott grunted. 

"Why? Because she makes you happy?" Elise questioned. 

"No. Because she makes me weak."


"Remind me why I let you convince me to go with you guys? I hate this plan," Elise complained as she hopped out of Stiles' Jeep. Scott had come up with a brilliant idea to try and discover the alpha's identity. Derek had a feeling that the alpha was Scott's boss, Deaton. Elise didn't really believe that though, as she had met Deaton plenty of times and seriously doubted that a psychopathic mass murderer could be so kind. 

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