21 ; good old fashioned lady bonding

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Elise flinched as Scott left his position as the goalie and ran into the field, colliding with yet another of his team mates. The two boys fell to the ground and Scott sniffed the other boy awkwardly before helping him up.

Scott had apparently sensed another werewolf in the locker rooms before practice, and to find out who it was, Stiles had suggested that he play as goal keeper to get a chance to be "one-on-one" with each of the other players.

"McCall! What are you doing? The position is called 'goal keeper' not 'goal abandoner'!" Coach Finstock shouted as Scott returned to the goal.

Elise found the coach wandering toward her as Scott tackled another of his team mates. "Big McCall, what the hell is wrong with your brother?"

Elise shrugged, "Honestly, I ask myself that every day." Coach Finstock gave her a surprised look before returning to his place on the field. Scott tackled another boy, but this time, he didn't get up right away. The two boys crouched on the field, staring each other down until Coach blew the whistle once more.

The approaching of footsteps drew everyone's attention as a group of officers entered the field. They paused, speaking quietly with Coach Finstock before escorting the last boy Scott had tackled away.

"His fathers dead," Scott explained when Elise climbed off of the bench and approached him. He focused his hearing, brows furrowing in concentration. "They think it was a murder."

Elise frowned as the group of officers led by Sheriff Stilinski took the boy farther from the field. "Do they think he did it?" she asked. Scott shrugged, confused as to why it mattered.

"Scott, if they think he's responsible they can keep him in a holding cell for twenty-four hours," Stiles said. Scott finally seemed to understand the issue and his eyes widened.

"How good are those holding cells at holding people?"

"People? Good," Stiles answered, "Werewolves? Probably not that good."

"Remind me why we're doing this again," Jenessa sighed as they lounged in seats outside of the principal's office. Earlier that hour, Scott had sent Elise a text telling her that Jackson was being questioned by Stiles' father about Mr. Lahey's murder.

"Because my brother can't risk missing another Chemistry class and we have a free period," Elise grinned. The blonde was about to reply, but her friend hushed her upon hearing voices inside. At first, their conversation was muffled, but eventually, the sheriff spoke clearly enough that the girls could hear.

"So, you're telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" Stiles' father asked.

"Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him," Jackson said. The apathetic tone in his voice sent a ripple of anger through Elise. She knew that Jackson Whittemore was an ass, but knowingly letting his classmate get abused was a new low.

"And you didn't say anything to anyone? A parent or teacher?"

"Nope. Not my problem."

"No, of course not," Sheriff Stilinski sighed. "You know, it's funny. The kids that always get beat up tend to be the ones that deserve it the least. I think we're done here."

The girls pulled back into their original positions as footsteps could be heard exiting the office. They struggled to look casual as Stiles' father exited, casting the girls a strange look. "Elise? What are you doing?"

"Oh, hey!" Elise chimed nonchalantly. "We're just waiting to talk to the principal about-" She trailed off, unable to think of a proper excuse.

"-the serious lack of pastries offered in school lunches," Jenessa picked up. Elise nodded in agreement, earning a suspicious look from the Sheriff before he turned to leave.

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