20 ; super nose versus freaky e.s.p

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"So, Lydia Martin ate a dead person's liver?" Jenessa questioned nonchalantly as she took another bite of the sandwich. How she could even mention the grave-robbed liver and continue to scarf down her food was a mystery to her friend. 

"I didn't say she ate it, I just said it coincidentally went missing the same night she disappeared from the hospital," Elise said. The day after Derek became the Alpha, Elise had paid a visit to her best friends house and explained all of what had happened in the previous months, not sparing a single detail. Jenessa had taken the existence of werewolves, hunters, and who-knows-what-else rather well. As a matter of fact, Elise was utterly shocked to see how quickly Jenessa had adjusted to her knowledge about the supernatural side of their hometown. 

"I mean, it's the most nutritional part of the body, so-"

Elise cut her friend off with a disgusted face. "Remind me never to watch another zombie movie with you," she joked, crinkling her nose. The blonde let out a bark of harmonious laughter, tossing her head back and sending her blonde curls bouncing. 

Suddenly, Jenessa's grin faltered, her expression turning serious. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we've got company." The girl nodded to a space over Elise's shoulder, prompting the brunette to turn. 

Once she did, she spotted the back of a leather jacket disappearing down a hallway. Elise frowned, glancing back to her friend to excuse herself before following Derek down the hall. 

The brunette trailed behind him, hoping he couldn't tell that she was there. She followed him until he rounded a corner, storming into the boy's restroom. Elise hesitated outside for a moment, wondering what the hell Derek Hale was doing in a high school bathroom until a crash sounded from within. 

Elise pushed open the door, stepping into the horrendous smelling room to find Derek staring down Jackson Whittemore. The lower half of Jackson's face was smeared with a dark liquid, almost like blood. A small amount was still oozing from his nose as Derek spoke. 

"You're looking a little pale, Jackson. Everything alright?" 

"I'm fine," the other boy insisted. 

"Fine?" Elise asked, interrupting. Apparently, Derek hadn't noticed her following him, as both boys jumped when she spoke. "Last time I checked, Jackson, bad burritos don't give you black nose bleeds."

"I'm fine," he said again. 

"I need to know if somethings wrong. You're with me now," Derek replied, taking his eyes away from the intruding brunette and focusing on the teen. 

"What am I, your pet?" Jackson scoffed. "Just because you gave me 'the bite' doesn't mean I'm part of your little pack." His eyes shifted to Elise as he added, "That last bit goes for you and your brother, too." Elise rolled her eyes at the boy before he continued, "I have my own agenda, and that doesn't involve running around the woods, howling at the moon with you and McCall." Black blood began to ooze from Jackson's ear as he spoke, but the boy didn't seem to notice. 

Elise and Derek shared a nervous look. "Jackson, you've got a little-" Elise didn't have a chance to finish her sentence before Derek had forced Jackson to look in the mirror. 

A look of horror crossed Jackson's features as he stared at the blood. "What's happening to me?" he asked shakily. A dark look crossed Derek's features- as if he'd seen something similar before. He took a hesitant step backward, inching closer to the door. 

"Your body's fighting the bite."

"Why?! What does that mean?"

"I don't know," Derek frowned. Before Jackson could demand answers, Derek ducked out of the door. Elise was about to go after him, but a startled gasp caught her attention. She turned to see Jackson's nose bleeding once again. 

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