26 ; unknown savior

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Clubs never were Elise McCall's "thing". As a matter of fact, anything that involved drunken masses of people grinding on one another wasn't her thing. Her "thing" was better described as curling up with a nice, hot Cup O' Joe and a crappy horror movie. Sure, maybe it was a weird mixture, but it was a good mixture.

Of course, this meant that the one place the Kanima had to search for his next victim was a gay club.

"Maybe there's a window we could climb through, or-"

Stiles' planning was cut short as Scott broke open the back entrance to the club with a single pull of the handle.

After arriving outside of the club, they'd realized that Jackson's next target was Danny. Why Jackson- even in Kanima form- wanted to slaughter his best friend, Elise wasn't quite sure. What Elise was sure of, though, was that Danny was a good kid.

They made their way over to the bar, arriving just as Danny seemed to disappear into the crowd.

"Three beers please," Stiles ordered, smiling cheekily at the bartender. Elise narrowed her eyes at his irresponsibility, prompting him to rethink his statement. "Fine, two beers and a water."

"ID's," the bartender replied.

Sure thing," Stiles gleamed as he and Scott both pulled out their real ID's. Neither of them seemed to realize that they were underage, and Elise fought to contain her laughter as the bartender rolled his eyes at the pair.

"How about two cokes?" He suggested.

"Rum and coke? Sure!" Stiles grinned.

Elise pinched both of the teenager's arms in a reprimand for wasting time trying to get drinks when they should've been looking for Danny. "Two cokes and a water, please," she nodded to the bartender, earning an exasperated nod before he wandered away.

Not too long after, another bartender had wandered up with two cokes in hand. He handed it to Scott and nodded toward a man at the other end of the bar. "This one's paid for," he said.

Elise craned her neck to look, finding a young man at the end of the bar grinning at her brother. She didn't bother to hold back her laughter upon seeing Scott's proud expression.

"Shut up." Stiles frowned, turning away from the bar.

"I didn't even say anything!" Scott protested.

Elise's eyes scanned the crowd as they continued to bicker, eventually landing on one person in particular. "Shut up," she hissed, drawing the two younger boy's attentions. "I found Danny." She raised her hand and pointed to where Danny danced in the middle of a thick crowd.

"I found Jackson," Scott muttered, his words barely audible over the blaring music. Elise's eyes trailed up to the ceiling above, her eyes easily finding the scaled Kanima.

"We'll get Danny, you hold off Jackson," Elise ordered, turning around to face the two younger teens. Scott nodded before making his way toward through the crowd.

Elise gripped Stiles' wrist as they wound their way through the crowd, not wanting to lose him. She could hear Stiles calling Danny's name as he trailed behind her, but the most prominent sound to her had become the sound of her heart beating in her ears.

Suddenly, Stiles' arm was tugged out of Elise's grasp as the dancing crowd moved around them. She spun around, seeing that he'd been cut off by a mass of people. He motioned for her to keep going as he struggled to get out of the group. Elise nodded, picking up her pace as a fog began to descend upon the crowd. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Jackson would use that for cover to get to Danny.

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