07 ; scooby gang

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"So, you just killed her?" Elise asked as the trio entered their school. 

"I don't know. I mean I just woke up after that." Scott rubbed his eyes. They were discussing a rather vivid dream that Scott had that night, where he murdered his girlfriend. "And I was just sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had that happen to me before."

"Really? I have. The dream usually ends a little differently, though," Stiles chuckled, earning a smack on the arm from Elise. 

"I meant I've never had a dream that felt so real," Scott shook his head, "Also, never give me that much information about yourself ever again."


"Maybe it has something to do with-" Elise began, only to be cut off by her brother. 

"I know what you're going to say. You'll say that it has something to do with my date tomorrow. Like I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out," Scott muttered with his eyes trained on the floor. 

"Aw, come on!" Elise wrapped an arm around her brother's shoulders. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

"She's right, Scott," Stiles agreed, "You're handling all this pretty well, as far as I'm concerned. It's not like there's a 'Lycanthropy for Beginners' class that you can take."

"No, but maybe there's a teacher," Scott sighed. 

"You mean Derek?" Elise asked, raising a brow. "I thought you didn't trust him."

"Also, did you forget the part where we got him thrown in jail?" Stiles exclaimed while landing a smack on the back of Scott's head. "That sounds like a great idea."

"It's just... it all felt so real," Scott groaned as they neared the doors leading to the back f the school. "Like it actually happened."

Elise pushed open the doors and they stepped out, greeted by the sight of a mangled bus door and blood smeared windows. Elise's eyes widened, "Holy shit."

"I think maybe it did happen," Stiles breathed. Scott turned around and stormed back into the building, probably to search for Allison. Elise and Stiles shared an exasperated look with each other before sprinting after him.

"Scott it's probably just a coincidence!" Stiles demanded when they caught up with him.

"A pretty amazing coincidence if you ask me," Scott muttered, not slowing his pace. 

"Scott, will you slow down?" Elise begged while her and Stiles struggled to keep up with him, "Not all of us have super-speed."

Scott rounded a corner, not bothering to slow down. "Just help me-" His words were cut off as he crashed into a familiar dark haired girl. The two went tumbling to the ground. "You're okay!" Scott exclaimed when he recognized the girl he had plowed over as Allison. He quickly helped her gather her books that had been knocked from her hands before helping her to her feet. 

Elise sighed with relief and turned away from the lovestruck teenagers, spotting a bright blonde head weaving her way through the halls. "Tell me if you find anything, yeah?" She told Stiles before disappearing into the mass of students. 

"Are you here to tell me how great I am and how sorry you are for leaving me at that party?" Jenessa greeted Elise as she unlocked her blue locker and began pulling out books. The brunette stared at her blankly for a moment before realizing what she meant. She had totally ditched her best friend at Lydia's party when she ran off after Scott. 

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