03 ; car rides with killers

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Once the trio had arrived at the party (with Scott still apologizing profusely for his outburst earlier that day), Stiles and Elise made a silent agreement to not let Scott out of their sights. After all, if someone were to be torn apart by a hormonal werewolf sometime during the party, it would be the pair's fault whether they took responsibility for Scott or not. 

Elise flashed a friendly grin at a group of familiar faces as she leaned against a pillar in Lydia Martin's backyard. She had been more than relieved when she had spotted her best friend, Jenessa, at the party. Elise wasn't totally sure why she hadn't been expecting to see the majority of the senior class at the party- Lydia Martin was probably the only sophomore that could actually get upperclassmen to ask to get into her parties. 

"Are you even listening?" Jenessa sighed, tugging on her friend's leather jacket in an attempt to her her attention. When that effort proved fruitless, Jenessa rolled her eyes and took a sip from the red solo cup in her hand. "I'm pregnant."

"No, you're not," Elise grinned, turning to the blonde. 

"Why not? I'm hot, tons of dudes are into me. I could totally get laid if I felt like it."

"Yeah, but you're gay."

"Well, at least I got your attention," Jenessa shrugged, tossing a snack pretzel into her mouth. "What are you so distracted by, anyway?"

"My brother."

"Oh," Jenessa squealed with excitement as Elise plucked a pretzel out of her friend's hand and popped it into her own mouth, "I almost forgot! Scotty has a date!"

Elise chuckled, shaking her head at the other girl. The duo had best friends ever since fifth grade when Elise had given Jenessa a bloody lip after catching the other girl trying to steal her cookie during lunch. The two had immediately clicked while sitting in the office waiting for their mothers.

Jenessa turned around, her blonde curls bounced as she stared in the direction of Elise's gaze. "Hey, El, you're not the only person creeping on them," Jenessa warned and flicked a finger toward a relatively empty corner of the yard.

"What?" Elise asked, perking to attention. Her eyes followed the direction that Jenessa was pointing, and her eyes were met with a familiar figure. Elise's lips formed a thin line. "I'll be right back."

Elise made her way to the far corner of the yard where Derek Hale was standing, his eyes glued to her brother. "I'm guessing you're not here for the free food." Elise crossed her arms. When he didn't answer, Elise continued. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not sure that's any of your business," Derek responded, his eyes remaining trained on the party. 

Elise narrowed her eyes, hoping that even though he wasn't looking at her, Derek could feel the annoyance in her stare. "Actually, it kind of is," Elise sighed, "Y'know, with you stalking my little brother and all."

Finally, Derek turned from the party and faced Elise, annoyance clear as day in his expression. "Are you planning on leaving me alone anytime soon?"

"Wow, you are really trying hard with this 'broody-mystery-guy' thing, aren't you? You're actually bordering on 'asshole'," Elise frowned, "So, why don't you just march that cute little butt right on out that gate before I-" The hazel-eyed girl's rant was interrupted by a sudden shouting in the crowd behind her. 

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