14 ; kinda-maybe-probably

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"Please, guys. Let me out," Scott begged from inside the room. They didn't move. Elise had her feet rooted to the floor where she sat outside of the doorway. Stiles' hands shook in his lap, and she wondered whether it was from anger or guilt. Scott had kissed Lydia Martin, the girl Stiles had been crushing on for years- but both Elise and Stiles knew that Scott was under the influence of the full moon. Elise assumed it probably still hurt, regardless.

"Elise, please, it hurts," he continued. She clamped her eyes shut and pressed the back of her head against the wall. If only she could block out his pleas so easily. "It's not just the full moon. It's Allison. I know that we're not just taking a break. I just feel so hopeless. Please, let me out."

"We can't," Elise whispered. She knew Scott could hear her, and he fell silent.

She pressed her hands to her ears as Scott's screaming echoed through the hall. He sounded so pained she almost ran in to unlock the cuffs. Where's Derek when you need him? Elise wondered. He was alive, so why wasn't he helping?

Elise took a deep breath. It was becoming too difficult to tune out her brother's screams. "I'm going to get some air," she grunted to Stiles as the rushed down the hall. She threw open the front door and took a gasping breath, pleased to know hat Scott's cries couldn't be heard from outside.

She perched on the porch steps, letting the cool air calm her nerves. "It'll get better, you know. His break up with Allison is making it worse," someone said from behind her. Elise sighed as she craned her neck to look at Derek. He had snuck up on her so many times over the past few weeks that she had grown used to it.

"I know."

Elise didn't want to mention his previous visit to her room. Not now, at least. She needed her attention focused on her brother- not some guy she maybe-kinda-really liked. Scott had said he could tell what other's were feeling. Elise really hoped that Derek couldn't.

"Earlier today," Elise began, "Scott said that he felt other people's emotions. Can you do that?"

Derek nodded as he took a seat next to the brunette. "We can pick up on things called chemosignals that are released by human emotions."

"That's cool, I guess," Elise muttered, not quite sure how to respond to the news that Derek could tell everything that she was feeling and she didn't have a clue to how he felt about her. Sure, he hugged her back, and she guessed that was a hint, but for all she knew, it was just a spur of the moment thing.



"Scott got out!" Stiles shouted, barging through the front door and interrupting whatever Derek was about to say. Elise spun around, stumbling on the step as she looked around for him. She frowned at his disappearing act as Stiles looked at her worriedly.

"I doubt he's on the porch."

"Who?" Elise gasped, wondering if Stiles had seen her with Derek. She knew that if Stiles and Scott knew about her maybe-kinda-possibly feelings for Derek, they would flip their shit. Besides, she didn't really even know how she felt about it.

"Scott?" Stiles looked at her questioningly as he closed and locked the door.

"Oh, right," Elise shook her head as she ducked into Stiles' jeep. This was going to be a long night.

"Oh my God," Elise exclaimed upon seeing Scott. Derek was practically dragging him through the doorway. She and Stiles had spent hours looking for her brother, but after finding less than nothing, she had returned home in hopes that he would be there. "You're okay!"

Both werewolves were drenched in sweat and Scott looked exhausted. From the look in his eyes, Elise could tell that Derek had stopped him from doing something that he would regret. "I can't do this," Scott breathed as they eased him onto the bed. "I can't be like this and be with her."

Elise and Derek stood apart, both staring at the youngest of the three. The brunette was nearly tempted to make some sarcastic remark like 'Gee, think so?' but the look in Scott's eyes was enough to leave her silent. He looked truly heartbroken.

"Tell me the truth," he looked to Derek, "Is there a cure?"

"For someone who's been bitten?" Derek clarified, to which Scott nodded. "I've heard of one, but I don't know if it's real." Tension hung in the air as the McCall's waited for him to continue, "You have to kill the one that bit you."

"Kill the Alpha?" Elise scoffed. There was no way they could accomplish that- let alone try. Scott shook his head doubtfully, running a hand through the mop of dark hair on his head.

"If you help me find him, I'll help you kill him." Derek crossed his arms. Scott nodded slowly, barely able to comprehend the fact that his only chance at normality was to murder someone.

First of all, I'm so incredibly sorry for not updating last week and for this chapter being so short and crappy. I've had wicked writer's block and also I've been swamped with meetings and schoolwork. Anyway, there's a lot of Delise in this chapter and it's really fun to write the two of them now that there's some emotion there. Next chapter, things really pick up and shit kinda hits the fan. I'm looking forward to it. (Also, shoutout to those who have actually been reading this story for the few months I've been working on it and haven't been driven away by my horrible grammar and lack of ability to write romance. you guys are the best.)
Words: 986

Feedback is more than appreciated <3

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