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                I hummed to myself a soft tune and let it carry on the wind to anyone fortunate enough to hear it. To my surprise someone followed it.

                “You weren’t honestly planning on “surprising” the Hokage, were you?” Kakashi’s nonchalant voice asked as he fell into step next to me. There were three others following like ducklings.

                “Well now, you can’t honestly believe I won’t give him a hard time after being away all these years.” I pointed out and crossed my arms.

                “Oh, that’s so cool!” The yellow haired duckling said and ran to my other side. “Do you really think you could get past all those guards to the Lord Hokage?” He asked, looking ecstatic and awed. It’s been a long time since someone looked at me like that. Normally they just think I’m crazy. They have no faith.

                “Ahirunoko I have been underestimated and restrained enough for one day. I’ll make it to the Hokage if it costs me an arm.” I informed him with my eyes focused ahead.

                “Hey, why did you call me a duckling?” The boy exclaimed, clearly not approving of his new nickname.

                “Because, Ahirunoko, you’re hair is yellow like a baby duckling and you we’re following Kakashi sensei like one.” I said and poked his nose as he frowned. He was going to yell at me, probably for using the word “baby” while referring to him. Someone spoke up before he could.

                “You called Kakashi a sensei. Was that just a reference?” Sakura asked from the other side of Kakashi.

                “No, Hachidori, it was not. When I was three years old and Kakashi was seven he started training me.” I informed Sakura, who I had pinned as a hummingbird because she’s small, pretty, and being young her mind surely flits from one subject to the next so fast no one can see it coming.

                “It was hardly training at that age Kit.” Kakashi pointed out.

                “Well I learned a nice lesson in balance and grappling…also hair pulling, so don’t say I didn’t learn anything.” I said and crossed my arms, seeming to bring attention to something.

                “Hey, you’re an ANBU ninja?” Kakashi’s Ahirunoko noted and pointed to the half visible tattoo on my arm.

                “Huh, oh, yeah.” I said mindlessly and tapped the Kusagakure headband around my neck. “The prodigy ANBU of the Grass; or at least that was one of the names that got around.” I stretched and stopped eyeing the building not far from me. I had to come up with a plan for the two at the door. They would be the easiest to get by.

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