Chapter 1: Finding Out

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Everyone was at the garage but Happy, she had said she wanted to go home to work on her motorcycle. But she really just drove to the pharmacy before heading back to her and Toby's apartment

Happy paced around in the bathroom as she waiting for the timer to go off. She wasn't worried, it was something they both wanted but was she ready? Could she be a good mother? Understand the child's feelings when she could barely understand her own? She knew she would love this baby more than anything.

The timer went off startling her and she jumped a little. Walking over to the counter slowly, she looked in the mirror before picking up the test. She closed her eyes taking in a deep breath, this was a moment that could changed her life forever. She opened her eyes and looked at the test, a smile escaping her lips and she knew, she was ready. She was going to be a mother. A mother, that word finally hitting her. How was Toby going to react? They had discussed and agreed to wait until the time was right. Was now the right time?

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