Chapter 8: Baby Talk

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Happy: 12 Weeks

For the first time since Happy was pregnant, she has woken up before Toby and decides she needs "Happy time". She picked up a book, it was one of Toby's books about babies and children that he had gotten when he found out she was pregnant.

She started reading it and wished she hadn't. The book was about all the complications there could be during childbirth, which didn't help Happy since she hasn't stopped thinking about how her mother died giving birth to her. She was worried it would happen to her, that she would die and wouldn't be there for her child's life.

She put the book down on the table and turned on the tv, trying to forget what she had just read but of course, she couldn't. Toby had woken up and came out into the living room seeing Happy watching tv, but he could tell something was bothering her. He didn't see the book until he came over with coffee to sit with her.

"Hap, did you read the book?", Toby said motioning to the book on the table. She nodded, not taking her focus away from Chopped.

"Hap, I told you not the read the books that I put on my desk. I knew they would scare you", he said putting the coffee down and wrapping his arms around her. She leaned it to his side.

"Sweetheart I'm sorry", he said, "don't worry. Everything will be okay". She nodded leaning back to watch tv with Toby's arm still around her shoulders.

Happy only had a small bump, but it was still noticeable.Toby reached his other hand out a rested it on her belly, right where he knew his child was. Happy turned to look at him then looked back at the tv, she didn't mind his hands on her belly, but anyone else she would have a problem with.

"Hey Hap", Toby said turning to face her.

"Yeah?", she said turning to him.

"What do you think about Caleb?", Toby said.

"What?", she said confused.

"For our baby", he said, "Caleb".

"That sounds a hell of a lot like Cabe", she said jokingly.

"I guess", Toby said, "Do you have any ideas?".

"I haven't really thought about any names yet,", I figure it was too early.

"It's never too early", Toby said, "We have a lot to do you know", he said laughing.

"Yeah...", she said cutting out. She hadn't really though yet just how much they had to do before the baby was here. They had to get a crib, and turn their storage room into a nursery, and they had to wait until they found out the sex before they could even pick anything out.

"Hey how about we spend our Sunday thinking of names, we can write down two boy names and two girl names, then we can talk about them?", Toby suggested.

"Okay", she said grabbing her phone and opening up notes to write down names. They sat watching tv for a few minutes before they were both ready.

"Okay", Toby said, "You can go first".

"If it's a boy, James?", she said.

"Hmm", Toby said, "the guy who used to run the cards table i played at was named James...", he trailed off knowing that Happy never liked him gambling and wouldn't want their child named after his old dealer,

"Okay so no, the other one I have is Spencer", she said.

"I like that", Toby said unlocking his phone to read his names.

"I have Colby and Alexander".

"Well I'm have to say no to Alexander, he was my uh...first boyfriend", she said nudging Toby's arm gently.

"Yeah okay, not Alexander", he said sounding awkward.

"Relax Doc", she said laughing, "Colby is cute".

"What about girl names?", Toby asked.

"Well I have Veronica", she said trailing off remembering that Paige's mom's name was Veronica, and they sure as hell weren't naming their child that if it was a girl.

"Forget Veronica", she said, "I also have Maya".

"That could work", he said not sounding too sure on the name yet.

"I have Skylar and Riley".

"Hmm, I like Riley, but Skylar? I'm not too sure about that one, it sounds too, I don't know but I'm not sure", Happy said.

"Okay so we have some ideas, we have Riley, Maya, Colby, and Spencer?", he said.

"Yeah", she said.

They relaxed back onto the couch and decided to watch a movie before bed. Toby put on a Christmas movie to get in the season, because for as much as he wasn't about the holidays, he wanted them to mean more to them, for their family. Plus he also might have wanted to do a little shrinking on the people, the Christmas movies had simple story lines, the guy gets the girl, they save the kid, the dog gets a home, and Christmas is perfect. Toby could always predict the outcome of the movies before they were even a fourth of the way through the movie.

They were halfway through a movie about a girl finding her perfect guy but he was married, and her dog, and Happy couldn't even keep track of what was going on in it, but obviously Toby could because he was rambling on and on about the movie.

"The guy is gonna leave his wife because she's too pushy, the guy marries the girl, and her dog lives", Toby said way to enthusiastically, "and their Christmas is perfect".

When the end of the movies came around and the woman in the movie was finding out if her dog was going to make it or not, she couldn't help but feel this sudden wave of emotion sweep over. She tried to just push past it and just continue watching the movie but she couldn't help it, why was she crying? She never cried, especially never at movies when she already knew exactly what was going to happen.

Getting up before she could watch anymore, she walked into the kitchen resting her hands against the counter and getting some water. Toby just turned and watched her leave, wondering why she just suddenly got up without saying a word. He got up and walking into the kitchen to see if she was okay.

"Hap", he called out walking into the kitchen, "you okay, sweetheart?". He rested his hand on her lower back.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay", she said reaching up her hand to wipe away the tears that had fallen though she didn't know why.

"Hap, are you sure? You don't seem okay", he said making her turn around to face him.

"I'm fine, actually I'm not honestly sure why I'm crying", she said sniffling, "I already know what happens in the dumb movie, and I never cry".

"Hap, it's all hormones", he said now resting his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him.

"Your body is all out of whack right now, trying to process the baby", he said wrapping his arms around her.

"Yeah, hey doc?", she said looking up at him.

"Yes sweetheart?", he said looking down.

"Tell anyone that I just cried over that dumb movie and you'll be the one crying", she said threateningly.

"Wouldn't plan on it".

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