Chapter 12: The Great Barrier Reef(Part 2)

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Happy: 19 weeks
At the Great Barrier Reef in Australia...(Friday)

"It's diving day boys", Toby said, "and girl", he said motioning to Paige who rolled her eyes.

"Finally, we've been here five days and haven't gotten anything we don't already know accomplished", Paige said.

"It would have been much more efficient to train us the first day, we would have already known what to do and would have been further ahead in this research already", Walter said as they walked out the door.

"Don't mention that around Malcolm, she's already pissed enough", To y said following them out. They were walking down to the car to drive over to the reef.

"Yes, and I don't get that. What is the reason she is not happy with us, we are go doing our jobs as we are told. All I said was-", Walter stated.

"Exactly, it's what you said", Toby said pointing his hand out as they got in the car.

"What did I say that could possibly upset her in anyway?", Walter asked and Paige sighed out of frustration with the genius.

"Well you probably shouldn't have mention to her that you thought this case was and I quote,  a "waste of time", and "illogical". She probably didn't like having been told that her plans weren't good", Toby  remarked.

"Well it was", Walter muttered.

"You kids can bash this trip later", Cabe said, "right now we have work to do". They got out of the car and followed Agent Cooper down to the water where they would be taken out to the reef.

"Finally, you're here", Malcolm said walking over to them, "Let's hurry this up, the diver team is waiting on you to get ready so move it".

"A hello to you too", Toby muttered.

"Diving team?", Toby said.

"The plan was only Natalie was to accompany us on this dive", Walter said.

"Well plans change, get used to it", Director Malcolm turning swiftly on her heel and walking back to the tent

"What a lovely case this is Agent Cooper", Toby said sarcastically.

"Let's just go get ready before Malcolm yells even more", Paige said pushing the team along to get ready in their diving gear.

At Happy and Toby's...

"Yea Sly, sorry I'm running late", she said looking at the breakfast she made herself, "Ill be there in a few calm down". She was craving pancakes this morning when she woke up, so she made them completely forgetting she had to go and get Ralph and Sylvester at 7:00am. She quickly put the dishes in the dishwasher and ran out the door with her coat and keys.

She arrived at Sylvester's apartment building only a half hour late.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late", Happy said as they got in the car.

"It's okay Happy", Ralph said buckling his seatbelt. She started driving the short distance to the garage.

They've got out and walked inside.

"Hey Happy?", Ralph said inside.

"Yes?", she said going over to the table to grab the comms so they could talk to the team.

"Can I stay with you for the weekend?", he asked.

"Sure? But why don't you wanna hang with Sly?", she said. She honestly didn't mind but she was curious as to why the boy didn't want to sleep at Sylvester's.

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