Chapter 6: First Case Since the Truth

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Happy: Ten Weeks
"Sweetheart", Toby whispered, "It's time to wake up". Sitting up he looked over at Happy who was still dead asleep. He reached over pulling the covers back, exposing her to the cool air from their room. She stirred awake now that she was cold.

"Doc, what the hell?", she asked reaching out to grab at the covers pulling them back up to cover herself.

"Hap, Agent Cooper has a case for us today, if we are late Walt will kill us", Toby muttered trying desperately to get her out of bed to shower. She just groaned and rolled over to face him, opening her eyes to glare at him slowly sitting up in bed.

"Fine", she said getting up to go and go shower. Toby got changed making sure to grab his hat to put on last. Happy walked out of the bathroom in her towel to grab clothes. She grabbed a shirt slipping it on, she went to put on her jeans,

"What the hell?", she said trying to button her jeans, "My jeans won't button!".

"Aww, early baby weight", Toby said walking over to her putting his arms around her waist leaning down to kiss her.

"It would be a lot cuter if I could fit into my damn clothes", she said pulling away to go and find pants that fit. Trying on six pairs of jeans on, finding that none of them fit.

"Great, none of my pants fit. What am I suppose to do?!", Happy said falling back onto the bed. Toby, leaning over her and said,

"You can wear leggings, it won't kill you", she pushed him sideways so she could get up and go put pants on.

"At least shirts fit"

"For now", he muttered, smile on his face. They got dressed and headed to the garage waiting for Agent Cooper to arrive.

"Good morning everyone", Agent Cooper said as everyone gathered around the table. She tossed some files onto the table so everyone could read briefly on the case today.

"For our mission today, I'm going to need to to test our new boarders", Agent Cooper said.

"Test, as in try to smuggle our way across the boarder to see whether or not your new boarders are secure enough?", Sylvester said nervously knowing where this was going.

"Yes, there are armed guards on both sides of the boarder-", Agent Cooper said but was cut off.

"Armed? As in loaded guns, possible harm, possible death?!", Sylvester said nervously but was calmed by a warm hand on his shoulder by Paige.

"As I was saying", she continued, "We have installed a new, supposedly securer system that will guarantee that no one can get in or out of the county without a passport being checked by government officials. We want Scorpion to try to enter Mexico without using passports. We want to to see if anyone could possibly get past the boarder, by using the smartest people alive, because if you can get in, then we need to upgrade our system more. One last thing, no one will know your are trying to enter", she finished.

"Woah, no one knowing we are trying to enter means that they will use their weapons on us if we are caught", he said putting his arm around the back of Happy's waist. To which she promptly elbowed him in the side, and he took step to the side.

"Well-", Toby began, but Cabe cut him off,

"Give us a second Agent Cooper", he said smiling as she stepped out of the room dialing her phone.

"Son, what is going on with you?", Cabe said.

"I'm not sure that it's safe for Happy to be going on this case", he said standing up taller.

"Why not Doc?", Happy questioned, "I already broke into Fort Knox".

"Okay Hap, but you weren't pregnant them", he paused, "with my child". They argued for a few minutes before Paige finally said,

"Sylvester is staying at the garage to send us directions on the underground piping, how about Happy just stays here with him?", she asked seeing Toby relax his shoulders.

"Paige!", she yelled, "Come on, does no one think I should go?", ask asked. Everyone was silent. She balled up her fist turning to walk over to her work station, Toby went to follow her, but Paige pulled him back telling him to give her space.

Agent Cooper came back in telling them about the rest of the case. Cabe, Walter, and Toby were going to try and get past the boarder, while Paige went to the gates to try and distract the guards, and Happy and Sylvester would send them directions on the underground piping system from the garage. They left with Agent Cooper to head to the boarders and Cabe told everyone to put their coms in.

Happy was at her desk, not saying a word looking at the piping system for the boarders.

"Happy do you have the map for the pipes", Sylvester asked walking over to her.

"Why couldn't I go on the case?", she said looking up at him, "I'm the mechanical engineer! I can help!", she yelled slamming her fists down on the desks then walking out to the table.

"Well", Sylvester said following her out with the map, " It is very unsafe for anyone to try to get past the boarders, especially for a pregnant woman", he said trying to ease her. But that didn't work when all she did glare at him.

"Still not fair", she mumbled going to sit down at the table to work on the case. Her phone buzzed, it was a text from Toby-

I know it's not fair sweetheart but I can't have you or the baby getting hurt(Toby)

She just sighed and texted him back,

I know but still, I can go on the case, I can help(Happy)
Not on this one Hap, too dangerous. Maybe next one, gtg almost at the boarder. Love you(Toby)
Love you too(Happy)

She put her phone away in her pocket hearing Sylvester starting to guide them through the underground water pipes that had been temporarily shut off today due to flooding of the lower levels.

"Up ahead there are two ways to go, right or straight, go straight. Do not go right, I repeat do not go right", he muttered making sure that they heard him clearly when he said do not go right.

"What's right Sly?", Toby asked over coms sounding kind of worried.

"Going right would take you too the trash compactor where you would drop ten feet down into a garbage shredder". Happy heard Toby say a slight "oh", as they continued going straight.

They made their way across the boarders safely and proved that the boarders were not secure enough to stop any terrorists from getting by.

"Thank you", Agent Cooper started once everyone was back at the garage, "we will have to upgrade the boarders underground piping system, along with the doors and tunnels". She picked up her bag and left the garage.

Happy was over at her desk welding when Toby came over.

"Hey you know you really shouldn't be doing that?", he said leaning against her desk. She continued welding until Toby took the machine out of her hands turning it off.

"What gives Doc, taking this away too?", she said taking off her mask.

"Happy you know this isn't safe for you to be doing", he said, "and you know I couldn't let you sneak across the boarders today? What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my pregnant girlfriend get shot at by armed guards?". She just looked at him.

"Aww Hap, don't look at me like that", he continued, "I'm not letting you do anything dangerous. Period". Looking around to check to see if anyone else was around, she stepped closer to Toby wrapping her arms around his neck. Tiling her head up to kiss him, he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. Their lips pulled away but they didn't.

"Ok let's go home", Toby muttered grabbing his jacket.

"Why?", she asked but she got no response and just a look. A look that she knew rather well.

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