Chapter 15: Babies R' Us

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"Hey Paige?", Toby called out after Happy had gone to talk to Walter.

"Yeah?", she said coming over and leaning against the table.

"Okay, don't freak out-".

"Why would freak out?".

"Happy's going to ask you to go shopping-".


"Yeah, but keep it chill when she asks you, she already doesn't feel comfortable going shopping".

"Got it. Chill. Calm. Cool. Colle-".

"I've got it", Toby said holding up his hand.

"Right. Sorry, it's just she never wants to do anything just us, I'm excited", Paige said smiling.

"I can tell".

Happy came walking down the stairs, followed by Walter.

"Hey Hap", Toby said putting down down his book.

"Uh-Paige?", Happy said glancing down before actually looking at her.

"Yes?", Paige said trying to conceal her smile and excitement.

"Will you-uh-go shopping with me-for the baby?".

"You didn't say baby shopping!", she said looking at Toby who was motioning for her to shut up.

"Doc?!", Happy yelled turning to him, "What the hell?!".

"Sorry, I didn't want her to scare you when she asked you", he said flashing an apologetic smile.

"So", Happy said turning back to Paige after an angry glare towards Toby, "Will you come with me?".

"Of course!", Paige answered.

"Well, okay, let's go", Happy said.

"I just have to grab my purse, hang on", Paige yelled going to get her jacket off her desk.

Happy went to her workspace to get her keys and Toby followed.

"Hap, here", Toby said giving her money.

"Toby, I have money", she replied.

Toby laughed, "I don't think you realize how expensive baby stuff is". Happy narrowed her eyes.

"Fine", she said taking the money and putting it in her jacket pocket before turning to walk back to Paige.

"Hey", Toby said reaching out and grabbing her arm, "I love you".

"I love you too".

"Be safe", he shouted as her and Paige opened the garage door.

"Yeah, yeah", they said.

*time skip to the store*

"So, what do you wanna get?", Paige asked as they got out of the car.

"I don't know, that's one of the reasons I wanted you to come", Happy said.

"One?", Paige questioned. Happy sighed.

"I thought that-never mind. Let's just go inside", Happy said, but Paige stopped her.

"Happy, what did you think?", Paige asked.

"I thought that you could help me, since I really don't know what I'm doing".

"Don't think that, you're doing great", Paige said resting her hand on Happy's shoulder.

"You can think that, I don't even know what to buy for my baby!".

"I'm here to help,trust me, I went through the same thing when I had Ralph, except I didn't have anyone to help me. You have the Toby and me, Cabe and your dad, Sylvester and Ralph, and even Walter's trying", Paige said laughing.

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