Chapter 5: The Truth Comes Out

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Happy: 9 Weeks
Toby and Happy came into work the next morning and went to their work spaces. Cabe had told them that Agent Cooper had a case for them tomorrow, so today they were free to work as they pleased. Happy was in her workspace tinkering away at her motorcycle when suddenly she stood up and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Everyone turned their heads to look in that direction before turning to Toby eyeing him to go make sure she was okay.

He walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door, turning around to look at everyone who was still watching him.

"Hap?", he said trying not to make it seem too eager or anxious, "You, okay?". He opened the door closing it behind him.

"Yeah", she said standing up to rinse her mouth out with water.

"Well, uh, Hap. Not to make things any worse, but uh everyone saw you run in here,so they are going to think something's up", Toby said handing her a paper towel.

"Great, Paige and Cabe already think something's up, and if anyone if going to guess it's going to be one of them", Happy mumbled burying her face in Toby's chest as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

"Well, you did say you wanted to wait until after we went to the doctors to tell them, and well we went to the doctors?", he said making it seem like more of a questions then just a response.

"Let's just go out there and say I'm sick and see if anyone guesses anything, okay?", she said not wanting to admit that she really was pregnant, because it was all getting too real for her. They opened the door walking out slowly seeing everyone still looking at them.

"Happy's, uh, sick", Toby said trying not to make it too obvious that he was lying.

"Sick, my ass", Paige mumbled to herself as she just realized why Happy and Toby were acting strange.

"What was that Paige?", Sylvester asked not knowing what was going on. Paige walked over grabbing Happy's arm pulling her away from the others and Toby who was now standing there not making eye contact with anyone.

"Happy, are you pregnant?", Paige asked knowing she already knew the answer. Happy wasn't making eye contact with her or answering her questions so Paige asked again.

"Happy? Are you pregnant?", this time Happy finally looked at her and Paige could tell she was scared but not wanting to show it.

"Yes", Happy said using a quiet and small voice that no one except for Toby had ever heard her use before. Before Happy could say anything else Paige had her arms around her in a bear hug congratulating her.

"Uh, guys? Coms...", Cabe yelled from down the hall. Happy punched Paige in the side arm.

"Way to go, Dineen", Happy said walking out to see the others all standing there looking back and forth between her and Toby.

"Happy", Walter said walking toward her slightly, "Are you pregnant?".

"Yeah Walt, you just heard it through the coms...", she said.

"Congratulations", she heard Walter say, which was something that she had never heard from Walter O'Brien before.

"Thank you Walter", Toby said walking forward to stand next to Happy. The next few minutes were full of "congratulations" followed by hugs and many questions that Happy did not want to answer.

"When are you due?", Walter asked.

"I, uh-", Happy said but was cut off.

"Well depending on the date of conception", Sylvester continued looking to Happy for an answer she was not going to give him.

"I think that's enough questions for now guys", Paige said, as she could tell that Happy and Toby did not want to answer any more questions, especially that one. Walter excused them to go home as even he could tell that Happy was uncomfortable. They walked out to their car and drove back to their apartment.

"Hey, at least everyone knows now right? No more secrets", Toby said trying to calm her down from all the hugging and questions that they had just encountered.

"Uh, yeah", Happy said but in her head she wished she could think of the answer to Walter's questions from before, when was she due? She sat down on the couch turning on the TV kicking her feet up on the table. She was thinking, she was about eight weeks pregnant, so when did "it" happen? Thinking about it made her realize that she knew exactly when it happened. About nine weeks ago was when they announced they were dating.

"Hey Toby?", she asked turning around to face him in the kitchen,

"Do you realize that I got pregnant before you announced we were dating?", she questioned with a slight glare on her face.

"Oh well, at least no one figured out we were dating before then?", he said sitting down on the couch next to her.

"Yeah, I guess", she said taking the cup of coffee from his hands,

"That would have been even worse to explain to Walter", she joked knowing no matter what time they had to explain to Walter they were dating would have been a hassle. She finished her coffee and put the mug on the table beside her.

Happy and Toby were watching Chopped, while Happy was leaning against Toby's shoulder slowly falling asleep. They watched Chopped until it was ten at night and Toby decided it was time for them to go to bed. He looked down at Happy who was now asleep laying across his lap, he smiled and he gently rubber her shoulder to try to wake her.

"Happy", he whispered, but it was no use, she was out cold and was not waking up until morning. He scooped her up until her head was against his shoulder and he stood up and carried her into their room. He out her down on the bed pulling the sheets out from underneath her and covering her. He kissed her forehead and crawled in next to her.

"Goodnight Hap", he whisper, " I love you". He fell asleep.

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