Chapter 9: What Surprise?

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Happy: 14 Weeks

It's Monday, and although the Happy is awake, she is in no way ready to show up to work in an hour. She's in the kitchen making breakfast, simply eggs and toast that Happy has almost burnt, but hey she made breakfast right? She grabbed two plates and put the eggs and toast on them.

She was standing at the counter eating when Toby came in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and hands resting on her small bump.

"Good morning", he said pressing a kiss to her neck.

"Morning", she said leaning back into his touch.

"Hap, as much as I like seeing you in my shirt", he said not removing his arms from around her, "you have to get changed for work".

"Fine", she said untangling herself from his arms to go get changed. Toby ate his breakfast waiting for Happy to come out. He waiting for her for twenty minutes,thinking that she could easily get ready in that much time. When she didn't come out and they had to leave soon, he went to check on her.

He walked into their room and saw her dressed and ready, but just standing there in front of the mirror.

"Hap?", he said walking over to her.

"I'm pregnant", she said sounding unsteady, like it had just hit her that they were having a baby.

"Yeah, kitten", he said resting a hand on her lower back, "we already-".

"We're having a baby", she said.

"Sweetheart is everyone thing okay?", Toby said. She turned around to face him and he saw that she was clearly upset and close to tears. He realized that everything was just hitting her now, that she was pregnant and they were having a baby.

"We're having a baby Toby", Happy said, "A baby".

"Hap, it's going to be fine", he said reassuring her that no matter what they faced, they would be alright. She just nodded burying her face in his chest trying to calm down.

After five minutes she had calmed down and was ready for work. They walked out the door and got in the car driving to the garage.

"Only fourteen minutes and thirty four seconds late today guys", Sylvester said as they walked in the door.

"Yea sorry Walt", Toby said walking to his desk.

"It's fine, I assume it was on Happy's part", Walter said.

"Hey", Happy said walking over to get coffee.

"Why would it be Happy's fault if Toby and her were late?", Ralph said walking in with Paige as they normally did before Ralph's babysitter took him to school. Happy and Toby glanced at each other as they realized that Ralph had done been in the garage when everyone else found out.

Ralph tossed him backpack up onto the table and sat down looking to Happy for an answer.

"I uh", she said stuttering because she was still thinking about what happened this morning, everything was real to her. When everyone else found out, she still couldn't believe she actual was pregnant, and now that everything had hit her, she just couldn't come to say the words out loud right now.

"Happy's pregnant", Toby said and she turned to him to see him sitting at his desk, grinning like an idiot.

"Really?!", Ralph said perking up and turning back towards Happy, to where she just nodded.

Ralph got up from his seat at the table and ran over to where Happy was standing throwing his arms around her waist and hugging her. To her surprise Happy had place her arms around the small child gently hugging him back.

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