Chapter 13: You're Having A...

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Happy: 20 Weeks

"Toby, let's go", Happy yelled across the garage. They had an appointment today, and were scheduled to find out the gender, and they planned on it.

"I'm coming, sorry had to grab my hat", he said placing it on his head and putting on his jacket.

"I want pictures!", Paige yelled coming out of the kitchen with her coffee.

"Yea, yea", Happy said rolling her eyes but still smiling. She was so excited to find out the gender, she didn't have a preference, boy or girl would be perfect, as long as the baby was healthy.

They drove to the doctors office and checked in when they got there, then went and sat down in the waiting room.

"Are you nervous?", Happy asked rubbing her hands together.

"Why are you?", Toby asked looking down at her hands.

"No", she asked quickly crossing her arms across her bump.

"Hap, are you really gonna try and lie to me?", Toby asked looking at her. She was quiet.

"Hap, it's okay to be nervous, but I promise, nothing's going to go wrong".

"You don't know that Toby, with my history-".

"Happy, please don't worry. Worry if they tell us something's wrong, but have they?".

"Not yet".

"Don't say yet, say no they haven't told us anythings wrong and that's good".

"I guess".

"Sweetheart", he said grabbing her hand, "Everything is going to be fine".

She was about to speak when the door opened and a nurse appeared.

"Curtis?", the nurse called out. Happy and Toby stood up and followed her back.

"Right in here!", the nurse said pointing into and room that they went into.

"How has everything been?", the nurse asked.

"Good, the baby started kicking last week", Happy said resting her hand on her bump while sitting on the table.

"Fantastic! So let's check on your baby shall we?", the nurse said rolling the ultrasound machine over.

"Pull up your shirt dear", the nurse said grabbing the gel. The nurse squirted the gel onto Happy's stomach and moved the transducer.

"So would you like to know the sex of your baby?", the nurse asked.

"Y-yes please", Happy said glancing from Toby to the nurse.

"Okay let's see, you're having a...".
At the garage...

"So what do you think that baby is?", Paige asked everyone in the kitchen.

"Who could predict what the baby is going to be?", Walter asked.

"Walter I meant like-okay everyone one else?", Paige said.

"I hope it's a girl", Cabe said taking a sip from his coffee mug.

"I hope it's a girl too", Paige said, "Although a little Toby could be cute".

"We already have a doc", Cabe said laughing.

"That's true, but a little fedora", Paige said laughing.

"I hope it's a boy", Sylvester said.

"If I was going to pick the gender of my co workers baby", Walter said, "Like the rest of you are saying, I hope that it's a boy".

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