Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out...Again

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Happy: 11 Weeks

"Hap", Toby whispered gently rubbing her shoulder trying to get her to wake up, "wake up sweetheart". She groaned rolling over.

"Your dad called", he said as she sat up to look at him.

"What did he say?", Happy asked getting up out of bed grabbing Toby's bathrobe to put on.

"He said he would call later, he didn't say what he wanted", he said walking out into the kitchen.

"We should tell him", Happy said sitting down at the kitchen table. Toby handed her a cup of coffee.

"Yes we should, but we can when you feel ready", he said joining her at the table.

"How?", she asked. She was nervous, she had only just met her father last year and now she had to tell him that he was going to have a grandchild. This felt like a big step to her.

"Just sit him down and say, dad you're going to be a grandpa", Toby said, "Do you prefer Grampy or popps?". She reached over and punched him in the arm.

"Not helping", she said, "How did you tell your family?". Toby was silent and looked down at his cup of coffee.

"You didn't tell them did you?", she asked.

"Not yet", he mumbled, "I'm going to but it's not easy with my family. They never approve of anything".

"Toby, does it matter if they approve or not?", she asked, "Are you happy?".

"Of course Hap", he said.

"Well then it shouldn't matter what they think, because it's our child. Not theirs. Our approval matters", Happy said. He nodded.

"I'll tell them Hap, but let's just tell your dad first, it will be easier", he said standing up to out his cup in the sink.

"Yeah okay, I'll go over to his shop today", she said walking over to join him in the kitchen.

"Want me to come with you?", he asked turning towards her.

"Thank God, I was hoping you would ask", wrapping her arms around him.

"Anything for you Hap", Toby said wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her forehead.

"Will you make cookies?", she said looking up at him.

"Sure", Toby said smiling as she walked into their bedroom to shower. Toby was pulling the cookies out of the oven when Happy came out of the bedroom.

"Yay cookies", Happy said walking over to grab one, "thank you".

"Your welcome sweetie", Toby said pressing a kiss to her temple, "Did you call your dad yet?".

"I'm going to after this cookie", Happy said pointing to her third cookie. She finished the cookie and grabbed her phone dialing her dads number.

"Hey dad", Happy said.

"Hey sweetie!", Patrick, "Sorry about calling so early, I just wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner. I haven't seen you in a while".

"Yeah that would be great dad!", she said trying not to sound nervous.

"How about tonight, we can go to that restaurant on fifth avenue, around six?", Patrick asked.

"Yeah that works for me dad", Happy said, "hey could uh...Toby come too?", she asked glancing towards Toby.

"Of course sweetie", Patrick said, " I will see you two tonight".

"Yeah dad", Happy said putting her phone down.

She sat down on the couch leaning back. Toby came over sitting down next to her. She shifted so she could lay down with her head on his lap.

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