Chapter 16: Why Can't We Paint it Pink?

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(a/n I didn't proof read this well so sorry for mistakes)
28 weeks. (literally haven't said how many weeks Happy was for three chapters. my bad)
"Haaaapppyyy", Toby whined in the paint isle of the hardware store.

"Tooobbbyyy", she mimicked back plucking a paint sample off the shelf in the color of a pastel yellow.

"I just don't see why we can't paint her room pink!", he said holding out at least fifteen shades of pink ranging from dark to light.

"Because", she said turning to him, "we both agreed to go with a neutral color".

"Pink can be neutral!", he said throwing his hands in the air.

"Oh really, would you ever wear pink?", she smirked.

"No, it's a girl's-", he said realizing, "Okay fine! So pink is a girlie color, but so what?!".

"So, we agreed neutral, not girlie". She scanned the rows of paint samples, landing on a light lavender, she reached up and grabbed it, studying the color and how it went with the color of the crib(a pastel gray).

"I like this color", she said holding it out to Toby who was still set on the pinks.

He reached and grabbed it, taking a step towards her, "It's actually a not so neutral color", he smiled.

"Well, yeah, I know. Call it a compromise?".

"Deal", he said kissing her forehead, "hey? We just picked out the color of our baby girl's room".

"That we did", she said smiling.

They bought two gallons of the pastel lavender, along with tarps to cover the floor, brushes, rolling wheels and paint trays.

(time skip to after they get home brought to you by the denial river in Turkey, my friends)

"So, are we having everyone over to help out?", Toby asked spreading the sheets on the floor of the baby's room.

"Yea, I texted Cabe and told him to tell everyone to come over at six as well as my dad", Happy said glancing at the clock that read 5:30.

"Wow, that's not soon", Toby said sarcastically standing up, "we don't even have food for everyone to eat".

"I've got it covered", Happy said walking into the kitchen.

"How so?".

"I called in for pizza, and Paige is picking it up in her way", Happy said leaning her back against the kitchen counter and staking a sip from her class of water.

"Smart", Toby said grabbing the glass of water from her hands and taking a sip.

"Hey! I'm drinking that!", Happy said as Toby downed the whole glass.

"I was thirsty", he said placing it on the counter.

"Yea,well you're not seven months pregnant", Happy retorted.

"Sorry sweetheart", he offered an apologetic smile which she returned with a glare. There was a knock on the door followed by the door swinging open and Cabe coming in.

"I brought wine!", he said shutting the door behind him.

"Hello to you too", Toby said taking the bottle from him while he slipped out of his coat.

"Wine that I can't drink", Happy said glaring.

"Not my fault that you're pregnant", Cabe said laughing.

"Yea, it's mine!", Toby said which receive a nice blow to the chest by Happy.

"Umm...Oww?!", Toby said rubbing his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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